So I was walking to a burger joint a few blocks from where I live and I saw a truck with a bumper sticker of the stars and bars. Being a southerner I see this a lot, but now a days I take offense to it. So I did what any liberal smart non-hickish person would do and ripped it off. These flags do not support the "legacy" of the backwards hicks that died during the civil war it is a symbol of ignorance and racism.
Bait armed. Bait planted. [spoiler]Liberals Win[/spoiler]
You're an idiot, you know that?
It's funny how no one thought of it like that until recently.
The flag isn't racist. My gosh I'm gonna get a giant flag and put it in the back of a truck and drive by everyone's house
It's illegal to remove someone's property (aka steal/vandalize). It's not illegal to display the flag. Therefore, you've been baited into committing a crime. Honestly i wave the flag in my yard just waiting for someone to come snatch it up so I can call the cops on them, and I live in South Carolina so you know...shit happens.....
Gr8 b8 m8, I r8 8/8
Congrats, you destroyed someone else's property because you felt as if it was for the common good You're no worse then the people your against
I'm kinda disappointed in you, you decided to make a statement about rights by violating the rights of another. Did they stop teaching what hypocrisy is after I graduated?
Proud of you
I hate anyone who tries to erase history[spoiler]That means you[/spoiler]
Great. [spoiler]Another person jumping into the society bandwagon. It's a shame most people can't think for themselves.[/spoiler]
How come they don't want it to mean racism but you keep making it out to be? Wouldn't that mean you are racist and calling people hicks doesn't help your position
Logical. [spoiler]i was -blam!-ing your mom while you worried about a flag fag. [/spoiler]
Edited by Solaris: 8/1/2015 5:23:54 AMPeople who support the Confederate Flag attack Innocent black/White people for disagreeing with them when they should be attacking people like the KKK that hold up your flag and make it a symbol of h8 m8
It's history not hate.
I'm disappointed Archer
So you stole and destroyed property?
I mean, [i]I[/i] believe in freedom of speech...
Monster Hunter - old
Did you steal their ketchup? Gasp! -
I would have kicked your twigboy ass, if I caught you messin with my truck. You don't mess with another man's truck. It ain't cool...
Implying liberals are smart.
Did it catch on your turtleneck? & was it your mothers?
So theft and vandalism are ok so long as these things triggered you? lolgtfo
Better be glad the owner didn't see you