I meant what did you mean as I didn't say it should die, I asked if others thought it should.
Not sure what you mean. I don't think CoD is still contributing anything new to the fps world if that's what you mean.
My point is I never once said it should die in OP even though it hasn't contributed much since MW2. I asked what others thought, your responses before it seems you are saying if I don't like it I shouldn't buy it. Maybe I misunderstood and you meant others shouldn't buy it if they didn't like it. =}
Edited by Tuxx: 7/31/2015 1:22:20 AMOh I wasn't directing it towards you or insinuating you said it should die. I was just generally answering the topic of "..should it die?", and giving my thoughts on it. All is good my friend.
Sweet I thought I just misunderstood, that's cool dude =}