[quote]Don't support it if you don't like it :).[/quote]
What do you mean?
I guess what I mean is if you don't like Activision's practices, don't buy DLC, don't preorder, and don't buy the next CoD game when the one you're playing now is fine. That or don't buy CoD at all. It's not really a great solution considering one person isn't going to make a difference.. but there's not much else we can do as consumers unless we take up game journalism and create a Cobra Commander character like Angry Joe, haha.
I meant what did you mean as I didn't say it should die, I asked if others thought it should.
Not sure what you mean. I don't think CoD is still contributing anything new to the fps world if that's what you mean.
My point is I never once said it should die in OP even though it hasn't contributed much since MW2. I asked what others thought, your responses before it seems you are saying if I don't like it I shouldn't buy it. Maybe I misunderstood and you meant others shouldn't buy it if they didn't like it. =}
Edited by Tuxx: 7/31/2015 1:22:20 AMOh I wasn't directing it towards you or insinuating you said it should die. I was just generally answering the topic of "..should it die?", and giving my thoughts on it. All is good my friend.
Sweet I thought I just misunderstood, that's cool dude =}