Just a few minutes ago I was playing Iron Banner. I jumped into the air, shot a guy with my shotgun, and immediately flew backwards into a wall and died...he did not die.
It would of actually been funny however, I was on a 8 kill streak when it happened.
What are some of the weirdest Misadventures that have happened to you?
Edit 1: Just woke up, 2078 replies!!!!! Thanks to all involved , I enjoyed reading these!!!(
Original Date of Post: July 29, 2015
Jumped. Shield Taken Cabal blasted me. Jump and that blast momentum threw me into a wall...
I ran next to a wall in PvP. I died.
Warpriest hard yesterday. My sniper shot ricocheted and killed me in between overlapping blessing/weapons of light bubbles.
Walking up a staircase with no enemies around. And just flopped over and died.
Has anyone besides me managed to kill themselves with the dark drinker sword?
Got energy drained off the map without the melee actually damaging me at all
Back in year one I did a fist of havoc and a Titan shoulder charged me mid animation and launched me to a wall then killed me... I wasn't even mad. Good laugh.
Well, I was hit out of the map by Atheon once. Stuff went weird, and Atheon ended up hitting me down. I phase through the platform, then somehow loop through and fall on another person, killing both of us with physics damage.
Shot Taniks in the face with a Sleeper Simulant, you can guess the rest.
Here ya go....
I threw a throwing knife and the vex goblin teleported so perfectly it hit the explosive box behind it and killed me
In halo I was riding a ghost and I was shooting at this guy and I go for splatter and right before I hit him I get sent flying by the tiniest rock ever
Door slammed shut on me.
Well this one time in college I went to a party and I woke up naked between two naked dudes. I just wish I could remember if I enjoyed or not.
I was walking around...swinging my sword. Randomly die to an explosion. Apparently is was the explosive containers..
Hm raid smacked thrall then got ghost choke slammed into a wall [spoiler]self res ftw[/spoiler]
Downed a bottle of toquilla. Never found Amanda's exotic engram...
Playing crucible. A friend and I both randomly blew up with no one else around and it said misadventure for the both of us.
Slid down the wall near the end of the S.A.B.E.R. strike. When I hit the bottom I was propelled across the room into the wall and died instantly. Weirdest thing about this was that it showed two revive markers on my screen - one up where you initially jump down, and one where I landed when I made it to the bottom.
Reviving a friend and then a small explosion happened inside my character and misadventure popped up
Was playing L34 PoE, Chronovore, a friend threw a grenade and I shot Gally at the same time. Rocket hit the grenade about 3ft from my face and blew me up. "XBOX RECORD THAT" was shouted at least 10 times by all 3 of us after that.
My brother used blink and died inside some stairs.
Was in my bubble chilling with armor of light. Was surrounded by teamates and our opponent during CTF just runs right in and punches me once. I start flying out of the bubble and all of the way out the back of the map.
I was sitting down in patrol, admiring the sunset after I had found my Zeptocyte Cores, and then I flopped over like a noodle and died.
So... You were killed by a Spelunky shotgun? My strangest Misadventure was when I was la-dee-do-dee-da-ing my way through Warpriest in the King's Fall raid. I was Dancing at the time, slicing through taken psions when suddenly my auto-tracker thingy on the knife made me fly into a taken wizard. I promptly flew right past the thing into a wall and died.