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Edited by ARC4460 Traitin: 7/29/2015 3:01:16 AM

Part Four: Interception (Reborn Story Line)

For: @losthawaiian808 -Your story continues. Reborn: Part 4/Interception Jacob swung himself up into passenger seat of the repulsor truck just as the sun was crowning over the snow-capped peaks to the east. The day was beginning. As the light fell over the rooftops of the Third District, bleeding into the dark alley-ways and vaulted windows of numerous living and industrial complexes, it passed over the bulky vehicle now moving into a two lane commute towards the Second District and the City Center. Even though he could see the true color of the light through his artificial refractory modules, he could not feel its warmth as it blazed across his face. Somethings didn’t seem worth trading for eternity. Jade-C08 knew that the sun, providing life to every organic being in the system, had been burning for billions of years. Yet, to him, it seemed as if it had been born merely a month ago. His own birth, he felt, foolish as it seemed, had ushered it into existence. He had been reborn with a new purpose, why not life as well? Rising within the Order was a something that took time, dedication, and most importantly, a reputation. He knew this, but that still didn’t deter from the fact that his assignments, since reaching the City, had been menial at best. Working within the shadow of the Traveler was a world apart from the frontier, and the frontier was light-years away from the Seats of the Golden Age. Perhaps an eternity was necessary. He was determined not to take that long. As safe as the City made promise, humans would never be able to escape their inborn darkness. If they could, there would be no need for Guardians within the City. History and circumstance could only teach the few, the rest learned first-hand. Greed and lust for power made them forget. They would forget their purpose. [i]But am I any different? [/i] He chose to remember that. Even while simply providing escort, he was still charged with the protection of Humanity. He meant to see it done. “Guardian. There is 6.5 kilometers between our position and our destination. Shall I inform the deck officer of our convergence?” The pilot droid chained out the request in short linear pauses. [i]Older model I suppose. What separates you from me? [/i] “Guess we ought ‘a stick to the book, huh?”, Jacob said, awning his head in the direction of the droid. The pilot’s gaze never left the course of travel. [i]And I answer my own question. Company doesn’t get much better[/i]. “Yes, pilot, inform the officer on duty that the shipment is secure and we are making time.” The words came out of his mouth, but they felt like they weren’t his. He didn’t want to be another program. He knew he was alive. “Very good Guardian”, the pilot chained again, all expression and connection devoid. He felt something for him, for the droid. He felt sorry. [i]I don’t want to be you.[/i] Not long after their conversation, the pilot took the vehicle onto a lane detaching from their previous course and headed west. The sunrise folded behind them as the lane dropped below the level of the Third District. Touching the onboard reactional panel, the pilot blacked out the cab windows and linked its visuals to the vehicle’s external sensory adaptors. Multiple tracking relays and security appointments followed along the route, ensuring that shipments went unhindered. The sector was, by law, restricted to personnel and vehicles with pre-approved clearance codes and identification tags. For good reason. Kashimo Arms was one of the few manufacturers within the City licensed to requisition all five tiers of weaponry. The Corporation had binding contracts with the Tower and CSF as well. What went in was salvage and refinements supplied by the Guardians and other, smaller, manufacturers. What came out was nothing short of the essence of death. Piracy was a constant threat. Deliveries demanded protection. [i]The gift that keeps on giving.[/i] “Destination arrival in two minutes Guardian.” Jacob thumbed on his data-pad to ensure visual conformation that what the droid said was true. He knew it was impossible for a corporation pilot to be corrupted; their instructional codes inverted every hour. A mathematical arrangement of irresolvable quantities. [i]Still[/i], he trusted his sight more. The image on-screen told him that the vehicle had just passed the final relay before their destination. Pulling his sidearm from its holster, he detached the cylinder and then re-inserted it out of habit. He [i]did[/i] love his natural affection for guns. Sliding the heavy revolver back into its place, his left hand moved to his helmet and then joined his right as he donned the maw designed shelter over his framework. The HUD snapped to life at the revival of its use. No one could touch him in here. The repulsor truck came to a stop. “Destination concluded. Goodbye Guardian.” The words almost seemed to be friendly. Stepping out of the vehicle, Jade-C08 first realized that he was not at a loading bay. The second observation was his sight growing dim and the ground coming up to meet him. As the static filled his head, he could hear his ghost frantically chattering and calling his name. The ground faded away.

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