Guaranteed the most efficient team in destiny. We have 3-4 teams running on [b]PS4 & XB1[/b] Top 15 overall in Trials of OSIRIS and have helped [b][u]OVER 900 people to LIGHTHOUSE!![/u][/b]!
[i][u]simply post your gamertag below, click the stream link, and hit the follow button! Sit back and witness greatness!!![/u][/i]
Private msg if you would like to be prioritized! GOOD LUCK and have a great week guardianzzzz <3
Xbox1 need two more for flawless gt same
Edited by Ana Bray’s Boo Thang: 7/27/2015 10:12:56 PM34 hunter I've been flawless once gt Vincentrules912
Need a solid team hmu, message on Xbox experienced players only tho
Gt: Madfang
Looking for one person who is a beast at Trials I have been flawless 20+ times and I'm trying to get my bro a flawless. Mag Fascii on Xbox one for invite.
Need one warlock
Gt UKilledKenny64 looking to get carried I have 34 hunter
Need two ppl who have gone flawless gt henry968 msg me
34 titian been flawless 2 times this week trying to go again I am a good player and my K/D and recent games says so I have max weps and experience I need two other players who match my list of requirements Let's get this done I have my card and ready to go message me on Xbox for inv or send me an invite Gt - AhhImDeadAgain
B hvonnoh
Hey there sexy I'm back. Can you help a cracka. My GT: Crack3r Phant0m
34 titan fist of havoc has gone flawless I have the emblem and weapons to prove it. looking to go flawless message for invite or invite me. Gt: SuperxNova Mtn Xbox one No kids
Xb1 get same
34 Titan with experience and max gear looking to join a team for Flawless run. I communicate well, can hold my own, and not a squeaker. Let's get this shit done. GT: IN THE GATES
34 hunter looking to go flawless. been flawless before. inv me on xbox gt above
Lvl 34 lock looking for invite to trials or msg me on live for inv. Been flawless
34 titan fist of havoc has gone flawless I have the emblem and weapons to prove it. looking to go flawless message for invite or invite me. Gt: SuperxNova Mtn Xbox one No kids
Looking for 2 genuinely good trials players for flawless run. Must've been flawless at least 6 times message WELSH NINJA09 at 3-0 now but will continue once flawless
Level 34 Bladedancer Hunter with maxed Thorn, Matador/Found Verdict and Exodus rocket launcher. Looking to join an experienced team. I am new to Trials and have a bad K/D because I did not know the maps. But I have been playing all weekend long and went flawless with my warlock yesterday. I am all set and can carry my own weight now and looking to go flawless with my hunter now. Please only invite if you are any good and level 34 and have gone flawless this weekend already. GT: vvv amnesia vvv
Need help goin flawless this week, need 2 join a good team, message SPIRIT ROC for inv on xbox
Edited by SpartanDog: 7/27/2015 11:27:36 PMEdited: never mind, a group invited me saying they were you guys. Promptly lost a round then booted me. Ah well,..
Looking for flawless team have fun 9-1 gt henry968
Ps4: HCDrifter1024