This is a quick study that was performed to shed light on how often guardians will attempt to join a fire team while trying to hide the fact they don't meet certain requirements set forth by the group that is looking to add a member.
Before I go into the details on why this study was performed, and the parameters that were used, I want to mention a few things. Some people are going to get mad about what I have done. Plenty of people already got mad while I was doing the study when I pointed out they did not meet the requirements that I had set in the original forum posts. Let me say this right now. Trials is a very team and strategy based game. A player with a light level of 33, with a gun level of 331 and a KDR of 1 can perform well in Trials if they can work well with their team. I admit this, and I think it is common knowledge. However lvl and KDR still play a huge role, especially when you are looking to add a teammate that you have never played with before.
Now this study came about when me and my friend were looking to add a third to our fireteam. We both have a 1.2+ KDR on our main characters. This is about an average to above average KDR in PVP. We wanted to add someone who matched our skill and had at least a 1.2 KDR. We spent about an hour weeding through requests to join, checking where their KDR's were at. Through about 30 people, we found only 2 that matched our one requirement.
This made me curious. On average, how many people will attempt to join a fire team when they [b]do not meet[/b] the requirements set forth by the creator of the post.
The variables for the study are as follows. Posts were created in both PS4 and XBox 1 sections. The only requirement to join was that the person must have a 1.2 KDR at minimum.
[b]Here are the findings. [/b]
40 people requested to be added to the fire team. 4 people actually met the 1.2 KDR requirement that was set forth in the original posts.
This means, on average, only 10% of the people you are looking to add in Trials of Osiris will meet a set KDR requirement, while 90% will knowingly try to join your fire team even though they are not meeting your minimum requirements.
This is a limited study. A more accurate measurement could have been taken if there were more reply's to postings. Also the percentage of honest vs dishonest posts may be some what linked to set requirements. If lower requirements are set, there is a good chance that you will find more honest postings to a certain point. The higher requirements you set the less likely you are to find honest postings. Future studys will need to be done in order to show whether or not this is the case.
[b]Final Results: 90% of Posters for ToO Fireteams will not meet a set KDR and will attempt to join you anyway.[/b]
I once submitted to a group that was asking for 1.5 Trials K/D, though mine was at 1.47 at the time. However, I knew that my Trials K/D was hurt the first few weekends when I was playing with PvE-focused teammates and hadn't fully adapted to the mode, and that in recent weeks it was definitely at 1.5 or higher. So I felt justified in responding because I felt I met the "spirit" of the requirement. I'd be curious to know how many of your respondents had K/Ds on the rise, or perhaps had a good K/D on one character, but a poor K/D on another character (perhaps a sibling or roommates), lowering the overall average. Just food for thought - I know that would be fatiguing to track down.
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