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Edited by MichaelO26M: 7/29/2015 9:11:48 AM

I want a boss thrall. Do you?







EDIT FOR ALL THE IDIOTS WHO COMMENT BEFORE THEY READ THE ACTUAL POST. Phogoth. Gulrot. Ogres. I know. It's not what I mean when I say thrall boss. Grow up, open your mind and get imaginative and creative. Honestly, these guys aren't getting enough love. Hardest ones to kill are (maybe) on a nightfall and they're dying in 2 shots anyway. Just this big ass thrall commander that's super hard to kill. Maybe one that's not savage and can talk. What do you think? [b]Edit 1: I understand ogres are thralls that have been through modification, but you get my idea. No need to get technical.[/b] [b]Edit 2: suggestions: shank boss (walker?), harpy boss (gorgons?) Keep 'em coming [/b] [u][b]ATTENTION PLEASE. Mini dregs flying on shanks. Livinghacker. That will be all.[/b][/u] Edit: explanation for peoplr who didn't already realise this: [quote]For people saying Phogoth = ogre = thrall. You're trying to be clever but it's not working. Yes Phogoth = Ogre but Ogre =/= Thrall Ogre = Modified Thrall, not thrall. If I modify some potatoes into fries and you ask for a potato would I hand you some fries? No? Then phogoth is not a thrall.[/quote] -jazeservedyou

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  • Maybe a thrall that infects other thralls, makes them frenzy and kill EVERYTHING! Including other hive, and if you get hit by an infected thrall you get slowed down and stacks, and if you get hit by the boss you die.

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  • A giant thrall

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    • Just Phogoth? Don't forget Gulrot

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    • walk in a room, platforms and catwalks everywhere. beneath you something stirs. the floor is covered in living thrall, waiting for you to fall off a ledge. a far off door opens and a larger, faster, stronger thrall comes charging at you. your fireteam must manage this new threat while carefully evading its swipes without falling off the ledge to certain doom

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        You do know that ogres are mutated thralls, so technically phogoth is a thrall boss

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        • The speed of a thrall with the power of an oger? Terrifying. Would be a doooope boss. How about a giant taken thrall that shoots lazers from its head? Now thats a strike boss

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        • Have it so you have to kill x amount of minion thrall to lower super boss shield of boss thrall then after so many rinse and repeats, huge explosion!

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        • Maybe do three of them like the dust palace

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        • I think a thrall that acts like a spider would be cool, pouncing around and trapping its enemies. It would need to be really fast for it to be a threat however

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          • So you want to modify a thrall to make him massive? Oh, that's an ogre. Hi phogoth. Yep I read all your edits but it's contradictory. You want a modified thrall, but you're calling people stupid for saying modified thralls such as phogoth already exist. Madness.

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            • Hmmm maybe. The more I think about it the more potential it has. Maybe among the thrall there are one or two bigger than average thrall that move slower but one shot you like light switch. For a boss maybe one that is like a "rat king", ten fused together or something and they call in swarms of thralls. As long as it's just not a regular thrall five times the size and is a bullet sponge, This could be a great idea.

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            • Doug boss *drops mic*

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            • The HoW boss at the citadel is a dreg ...

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            • There actually will be a Gorgon boss. Watch the E3 trailer. I noticed (at one point) there was a debuff called "Medusa's Gaze." I bet it'll be the last Gorgon

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            • Edited by Romulus: 7/28/2015 7:23:00 PM
              An ogre is a mutated Thrall. So technically we already have one. [spoiler]But yes I know what you mean. I would love to have a legit Thrall as a boss.[/spoiler]

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            • That would be a sweet addition. It would mean we get a 100% melee boss encounter which we've never had in Destiny. The constant chase means high coordination with you team to draw aggro while the others recoup and DPS, then the rolls rotate as the boss is drawn to another team member.

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            • I would like a giant thrall that just chases after you like the normal thrall. The fireteam would have to be in constant motion to avoid getting thwacked while also dealing with multiple thrall adds. Or a giant cursed thrall that after you kill him everyone had to run away before the explosion kills everyone.

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            • Would be nice if they added a Thrall which is actually manouverable and climbs over walls and stuff making it harder to hit it.

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            • How do this many people not understand your post? People, OP wants a [i]Thrall[/i] boss. You know? The skinny things that typically attack in groups? The frenzied agile monsters that pursue you through the abyss? A Thrall that has yet to undergo the mutation to transform it into an Ogre. Arguing that "ogres are thrall, OP" is a matter of semantics and makes you look like someone that doesn't think before speaking/posting. It is blatantly obvious he understands the connection between Thrall and Ogres, so stop trying to flaunt your grimoire prowess. Now, as for some OT input, I think this could be a pretty frantic battle. Just slightly bigger than a thrall and maybe in the process of becoming (or a failed attempt at creating) an Ogre, perhaps?

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              • But Ogres have been majors and ultras and they are enlarged thralls.

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              • Yeah that would be cool as -blam!-. And creepy.

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              • How about a boss where you enter a room full of thrall. A really big room with obstacles and stuff to jump on, and more thrall than the bottom of the hellmouth. In the middle of the thrall is a normal sized, but black thrall that the others swarm around. The black thrall, from now on out called Golgoroth, is in preparation to become an ogre. Essentially, the lights will be out, and to turn them on two people must stand on a plate. The third is free to chase golgoroth, while the other two must defend themselves from thrall. But, those two can only stay on the light for 30 seconds before it goes out. Then, one of the two will be randomly chosen to be a "thrall hunter". The player who was out chasing golgoroth must head to the light now until the next time it is out, and one of the players previously on the light will go to hunt the thrall. The catch is that when a light goes out it is destroyed, and there are only a limited number of lights so you must go fast.

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                2 Replies
                • What lore suggests ogres are thralls? All I see on the ogre grimoire is that they undergo terrible transformations through have sorcery as they [i]grow[/i]. That suggests to me that they are at some point little ogres, not thralls.

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                • A boss the size of a thrall with speed like a thrall would be awesome.

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                • What about a giant thrall that splits in two after you shoot him enough. Then those two will also split, then the others will split and so on.

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                  • I'd like to see this. A vicious, fast boss that chases you around the map, likely forcing you to flee while your fireteam takes advantage of the distraction and hammers him. It'd be good to have a boss that's something other than find cover and poke out when it's not shooting you. For people saying Phogoth = ogre = thrall. You're trying to be clever but it's not working. Yes Phogoth = Ogre but Ogre =/= Thrall Ogre = Modified Thrall, not thrall. If I modify some potatoes into fries and you ask for a potato would I hand you some fries? No? Then phogoth is not a thrall.

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