You walk in on the Speaker removing his mask. You see that he looks a lot like...
Edit: Trending! People really wanna know what the Speaker looks like.
My favorites so far; Snoop Dogg, Jake from State Farm, John Cena. No Liam Nesson yet?
My mother
Master Chief
Holy shits batman (⌐■_■) It's greasedupdeafguy
Monster Hunter - old
Bungievision -
(>'.')> <('.'<) (^'.'^) <('.')> (v'.'v) ^('.')> <('.')^ (v'.')> <('.'v) ( '.')
Your moms dick
Bill Nye
[quote]You walk in on the Speaker removing his mask. You see that he looks a lot like... Edit: Trending! People really wanna know what the Speaker looks like.[/quote] A fallen vandal
A vampire named Viktor!
Actually it's Bill Nighy
Beneath this mask..... is............... ANOTHER MASK!
Bruc.....I mean caitlyn jenner
Shia Labeouf
Shin malphur
rahool... Mother-blam-er!
A Lenny face.
Edited by XxHAYABUSAxX 07: 7/27/2015 4:26:22 AMIs actually Hitler who escaped american clutches with decades of [url=]-godwinslaw!-[/url] research after ww2 just to send himself into the future where he was able to implent the stolen research and code his own consciousness into the game as the speaker so he could attain immortality through the game we know as destiny with the role of distracting guardians from the lack of content and overpriced underwhelming dlc...old hitler at it again
Mask? The speaker? What? Wait, he isn't an exo? THAT'S HIS FACE
The Speaker is The Master Chief! -(Halo and Destiny are related) (We'll never see either of their full faces)
Another mask
Bill Nighy or Morgan Freeman
Troll face
Nobody will truly know... I wear many layers of masks anyways.
Oliver North
Kaitlyn Jenner