I think I'm over the whole bring the old weapons in and have them ascend to 425. If TTK brings new weapons that can ascend to the level and not the original ones, so be it. I'll keep some of them for PvE and nuke the rest. I'm just pissed they, Bungie, aren't telling us anything. We now know weapon tuning 2.0 will happen right before TTK launches in September, but they aren't telling us if they will ascend to 425. Stupid on Bungie's part, why the F not!!!!! Who will it hurt if they tell us??? DeeJ and Cosmo really need to do a better job of keeping us informed and quit the bullshit cryptic messages they always send out.
They said they want us to use the new weapons, or something like that. It sounded ominous for collectors like me.
I know. Just wish they'd say one way or the other. Makes them look like assholes