Soooo, despite my feelings towards the series and it's let's just say [i]"vocal"[/i] fanbase, I decided to buy Dark Souls II since it's on sale and I'm not actually paying any money for it (thank you Microsoft) but also because I do like the series and the lore - hell, even the gameplay to an extent - contrary to all the shit I usually talk about it...
Anyhue, I played through the first one up to NG++ (I won't lie though, I modded on my second play through as I was bored and wanted to dick around, none of that this time though) so I'm not entirely clueless, however, I feel like it would be unwise to go about playing this game as though it were the first. As such, I'm looking to get some do's and don'ts as well as tips in general from you lot.
Forgot to mention that I'm playing as a Knight.
Edit: None of you are reading the op, are you? The large majority of you just keep shitting out the same tired memes ad infinitum or telling me stuff that I would have learned from playing Dark Souls (which I have). [quote]I feel like it would be unwise to go about playing this game as though it were the first.[/quote]Example, in the first one, hollowing is reversed at bonfires, yes? I tried to do the same thing in this one only to find out that you no longer need a bonfire to reverse hollowing and that using an effigy at a bonfire makes it where you can't be invaded for a set amount of time. [i]That[/i] would have been nice to know and [i]that's[/i] the kind of shit I'm talking about... A tid bit like that isn't going to spoil the game or ruin my experience...
I was knight in first one and man did we get screwed over in 2. There is really not much advantage tanks have in 2 because we have no poise. We can't tank any hits. We just get migitations and lose invo frames... I eventually ditched it for a two weapon build. Any hits you get usually means you get like 5 additional hits on you because of no poise and everyone using rapiers. Katanas are okie IMO... I just h8 long spear and rapier players with shields. They just tank and as soon as you roll away they just spam your back
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