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These Vex are tirelessly testing the exclusion zone headless of losses. The Cabal are easily holding them back, it appears their strategy is failing. Or is it? Maybe their strategy is going [b]exactly[/b] to plan.
What do I mean by this? The Vex are highly intelligent machines, they predict what their enemy will do before they do it. One theory I have is that they are purposely testing the exclusion zone to learn more about their strategies so when they hit the Cabal, they hit them hard and cripple their forces.
Another theory I have is that their purpose all together is something different; to return to the black garden. To return to their home and to relieve the current Vex there or provide further protection to the garden. Thats why their so headless of their losses.
My last theory is that they are distracting the Cabal from an attack on their leaders to cripple them.
Thanks for reading I'll probably edit this and add more theories to this, feel free to say your own and feedback is appreciated, thanks!
I agree the vex are part in the bigger picture. The way I think if it is the vex are to large of and intelligent force to continue to engage in a losing war. There are stories of vex massacring cabal strongholds such as Firebase Delphi, or Black Shield. Providing stories and grimiore are true, the vex are a contender to the cabal, possibly much more threatening then the cabal even realize. I believe the vex are holding back!