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7/21/2015 7:56:38 PM

FanFiction, "The Lights Shadow" Chapter One: Training Grounds

Chapter One: Training Grounds “If there is beauty in destruction, why not also in its delivery?” -Feizel Crux A deafening roar and ground shattering rumbles travel across the grounds with three pops soon following. Vibrant purple light seemed to outshine the sun glaring down at them. The Nova Bomb, a Voidwalkers most powerful creation. Conner, and his fireteam of two other titans rush forward breaking the enemy's front lines after the devastating explosion. There goal, to capture the enemy’s base at the other end of Moon’s field. As they run, they quickly get pinned by a group of two guardians flanking them. One of the titans, whom Conner could not remember in the middle of battle, deployed his Ward of Dawn to provide instant cover. A thin layer of purple light soon surrounded those inside. Conner looks at his palm and see’s a armor in which he has helped create. He then sprints out of the bubble and blinks towards the flankers and throws out his grenade to flush them out. The two enemy guardians are quickly taken out by the two titans after they dive out of the way of the grenade's explosion. Once despatched the three continue to press forward. “That’s five down right now, one remains. Three of us down, that makes us an easy target if we get caught of guard.” Thinks Conner. As they make it into the front of the enemy’s base, a flaming beam appeared next to Conner’s head. Its searing heat forces Conner into the ground, hidden inside a crater in the lunar surface. Conner looks back from where he stood to see one of the titans seemingly burning inside out of his armor. A gaping hole left in his torso, spitting out flames. The titan's armor soon crumples to the ground, as his ghost appears, marking his elimination from the training. Regular gunfire soon follows that one shot. Conner sits up, using the crater's lip as cover, peeks out to see the other titan in cover up ahead. “Damn.” Mutters Conner under his breath. He then Blinks out of Cover and aims his pulserifles sights in the air to find no one in his vision. “He must have ran inside, but there is no where he can go now.” Thinks Conner. He quickly signals for the last titan to follow and the enter the enemy’s base. the clever design of the crucible forces guardians to go into choke points and extremely unforgiving ground to help bring out the strength and shear force needed to overcome the Darkness. They then run inside and the titan takes the lead with his Juggernaut shield. They run arounds every corner, and yet no hunter is found. They round into the main chambers where the Flag is kept. Right as they take their first step into the room, a flash of red light blinds them both and an explosion sends the Titan in front of Conner flying into a wall, pieces of flaming shrap metal piercing his chest, sticking him to the wall. Conner then dives behind a near by metal prop meant to be cover in this battlefield. “Gorilla Warfare.”Thinks Conner, “Well, this is the control room, so there is no where he can be but here. I am pinned but, I have no more grenades, and I am alone. Great....” Conner looks over to his eliminated teammate on the wall, there on his chest in a Flashbang grenade. Conner then sprints and blinks out of cover, gunshots whizz by his head. Conner reaches the titans and quickly snags the grenade, and rolls into nearby cover. Before he could make it fully in, a shot burrows its way into his left arm. The explosion of pain quickly spreads its way across the body. Conner quickly drops his gun out of the shock, and realizes he can no longer aim it with one arm. “God this hurts.” Thinks Conner as he is lying behind his cover. He think thinks of where he was shot and what position he was in when shot. Using the angle in which the bullet hole in going through his body, he roughly estimated the hunter's position. Using his right hand, he pulls the pin in the grenade and lobs in that general area. When it's loud explosion and flash happen, Conner quickly blinks out of cover, towards the hunter’s area, too see the hunter laying on the ground shielding his eyes. Conner then sprints at the hunter, and sends out a shockwave of void light from his hand into the back of the hunter’s head, crushing the helm in. The void light then retreats back to Conner, healing the bullet wound in his arm. Conner then walks over to the Flag in the middle of the room, and drops his teams banner, signifying the winning of the match. Then all of the ghost revive their guardians, so that they may shake hands and see who it was that killed them. Conner Shakes hands with the hunter, as they both silently nod to each other. Conner heads back to his room after nine more matches, and falls onto his bed, still wearing his armor. He quickly closes his eyes and remembers the feelings in which he felt as the void light mended his wounds and healed his body. It has always felt wrong to compete in the crucible, but the feeling of the void light returning to him after an elimination of a fellow was too sweet for him to completely give up on the crucible. “Auugh, I hate the crucible,” Thinks Conner, “but to quit the crucible would mean to quit my study of the light and lose all of my equipment and home to the Vanguard. I can’t have that. Well, at least I have my scholarly duties tomorrow, and can forget about this day in my studies. Too bad my research is only for combat.” Conner then falls asleep, and dreams of the feelings he had using the powers of the void. Previous Chapter: Next Chapter: Coming out Soon.

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