Base game =60 . Taken king =40 . In terms of content , they are the same . So effectively , they have already cut 20 off of the price tag . But it's too early so I'll leave you with this . If you think it's worth the money , buy it . If you don't think it is, don't .
Umm, do you recall everyone saying how Destiny lacks content? I mean don't even include DLC 1 or 2 just go off the base game LOL I think TTK looks AWESOME, I LIKE what I have you see it's not an issue of what it is, its the fact that what I paid full price for at launch was a shell of a game with 2 DLC's that were equally shit with hardly anything truely new/ I am smart enough to see Destiny is trying to pull the wool over everyones eyes and laugh about it... You see what they are doing whether intentional or not is charging ruthless amounts of money for their game and it's add on's and making people buy it by effectively saying "this is better than the one you bought last"... Destiny was a game (apparently) and TTK is a DLC but that wasn't good enough and it doesn't allow them to charge an absurd amount of money because their last 2 DLC's were only $20 so then they called it an expansion, but then people (rightly so) are still pissed about how much an 'expansion' costs so they then shifted up a gear and are now basically calling it a whole new game sorta thing LOL
It seems your main problem is that you are disappointed with how destiny has been so far and are reluctant to make the same mistakes again( falling for for their marketing ) Just wait a couple of weeks after the launch of the taken king and see is it worth it. I love destiny , but that's what I'll be doing .
Yes, the fool me once(base game) shame on you, fool me twice(DLC) shame on me, fool me a third time(TTK) and i'm a f-cking idiot! That's the thing though, YOU DON'T get to release shit after shit and finally bring out something decent and then charge for it at that price point, it should be much much lower as a thank you to everyone that played the game through all the BS.
Well I'd prefer them have more funds to create even better content . You act like you've been tortured for the past year . You've been playing a video game . No company would halve their profits just to appease people who played their game .
Halve their profits? Bah aha they won't be getting ANY money from a lot of people.