Hey Guardians! Thanks for showing interest in my first ever Fanfic! Feel free to leave comments and suggestions below positive or negative any feedback is appreciated! Thanks for reading!
//--"No this is blinking." I blinked my eyes annoyingly at her. "What was that?!"
"[i]Guardian you're aware you have your helmet on and I can't see what you're doing, right?[/i]" she giggled and spun in a circle playfully.
Defeated I looked down and thought to myself. "This ain't going to be easy."--//
I sighed and continued, "So would you mind telling me what the hell is going on?"
There was a long pause and we stared at each other awkwardly until she responded.
"[i]I could tell you but I don't have time to explain why I don't have time to explain..."[/i]
Enraged I screamed, "What type of crap is that?!!! Are you friggin serious right now?!! I cannot believe this!! First I come back from the dead then fight an unknown enemy sniper who was shooting at me for whatever reason and now you 'don't have time to explain' what is wrong with you?!!!"
After that outburst the machine started to laugh uncontrollably, "[i]oh my traveler!! They were so right!![/i]" She continued to laugh at me.
Irritated and fed up I said, "who are they?" In a very stern tone.
"[i]Oh the other Ghosts of course, grumpy gills." [/i]
I grew tired of her game. I snapped. "Listen either you tell me what the hell is going on right now or I'm leaving your ass to deal with whatever shot at us before. Speaking of that lets walk and talk before it tracks us here."
She vanished in front of me, I sighed and started jogging forward putting some distance between me and the unknown enemy.
"[i]You could at least tell a girl your name before you get snippy like that[/i]."
And with that I stopped in my tracks.
I whimpered out, "my name..."
"[i]Oh wow sorry I totally forgot the whole amnesia thing!..right...hmm your name is Phoenix.[/i]"
I stammered, "Ph-Phoenix...yeah I like that." The machine giggled a little.
"And since I'm not gonna call you annoying machine that continuously pisses me off, your name is hmmm..." The machine studied me and turned its exterior edges in curiosity and excitement. "Skye."
She stared at me in silence. I laughed a little and said, "what you don't like it?"
It was then she let out a brilliant light and her parts started floating around her central eye. Like a moon following orbit around its planet. She let out a cheerful squeal and starting to float all around me. I couldn't help but smile at the spectacle. She stopped extremely close to my face looking at me straight in my eyes.
She cheerfully said, "[i]I love it!! No one has ever given me a name before!! This is perfect I'm totally gonna brag about you to the other Ghosts!![/i]"
I questioned, "is that what you are? A Ghost?.."
She responded cheerfully once more, "[i]well more accurately I'm your Ghost, I've been searching for you for quite some time. Ghosts find a dead Guardian. Ghost revives Guardian. Ghost and Guardian fight the Darkness together. That's pretty much it" [/i]with that last statement she swirled around me again.
I chuckled a little, "the Darkness?"
"[i]Yes, I come from the Traveler big white sphere, source of all light, Good guy. The Darkness is pretty much his polar opposite. Wants to destroy the universe, kill the traveler and us, yata yata"[/i]
"Is the darkness a big black sphere?" I said playfully, trying to pull out more information .
"[i]No it's a big black cloud that's really creepy."[/i]
"Ah I see, so I've been dead. You brought me back from the dead to fight a cloud and potentially die in the process."
She paused then responded, "[i]Yes!"[/i] She let out a little laugh.
"Well Skye, I'm going to assume that sniper from before was working for said 'Black scary cloud'. I'm also going to assume strongly that said sniper is watching us near that tree to the right...."
Her body stopped immediately and she let out a quiet shriek.
"Don't make any sudden moves, do that disappearing thing and I'll take it from there."
I tensed and relaxed my muscles to prepare what would come.
Skye disappeared, I heard her from within me "[i]be careful please we don't have any weapons[/i]."
I smirked at that. "Skye, I am the weapon."
And with that I sprinted towards the sniper. I saw the creature that seemed to have four arms charge it's sniper rifle. Five. Four. Three. Two. Wind rushed around me, I felt a sudden pull forward. One. The shot flew past where I was moments ago. I 'blinked' to the left of the shot and continued my sprint towards the sniper.
"[i]Wow you're really fast"[/i]
Skye said from within me, I still don't know how she does that. I heard the sniper roar and it started charging his rifle before he aimed to face me. Probably his attempt to mess with my predictions of his shots. Not so clever girl. I blink immediately before it aimed my way. The shot flew past my previous position piercing multiple trees causing bark to splinter into the once peaceful air.
My body started to strain and tire from the constant uses of the blink ability but I didn't have much of a choice. I pushed forward. As I closed in on the creature it roared louder and threw its rifle to the ground.
"Tsk tsk tsk we have to work on that temper of yours." I said out-loud.
The creature drew two blades that seemed to be charged with the same energy from the rifle. They cackled and sparked with ferocity.
"It has swords?!!" I exclaimed.
"[i]yes unfortunately, both the rifle and swords are standard issue for a Fallen Vandal.[/i]"
"Next time let me know what the enemy is packing before I go in for hand to hand combat!"
I blinked and then slid underneath the Vandal it swung it's blades where I previously was. It paused for a split second out of confusion. Here's my opening. I jumped onto its back, ripped off its helmet and started to punch its head repeatedly. A substance of blue started to ooze from its head.
"[i]Maybe going hand to hand with a four-armed creature while only having two arms is a bad idea, Phoenix.[/i]"
I noticed her attitude. "Well if I knew what weapons it had maybe I wouldn't of!" My punches started to get harder from my building anger.
I felt the Vandal start to buckle and fall towards the ground below me.
"Woah woah easy girl easy."
I held onto the Vandals shoulders and braced myself with my left knee and right foot against its back. The Vandal let out a gurgled noise and collapsed to the ground dropping both swords causing them to hush and cackle no more.
"[i]Wow you really went to town on him.[/i]"
I looked down and saw the blue ooze accompanied with some gaseous vapor leaking profusely from the creature.
"[i]If you're wondering that's ether, it's their life-source much like your blood.[/i]"
"You read my mind, Skye."
I stood there studying the creature. I realized from what was left of its skull that it had a frightened look on its face. For a moment I felt conflicted for having to take its life, but better it than me. Plus it picked the fight.
I turned to its weapons on the ground.
I chuckled, "Finder's Keepers."
I put both swords crossed on my back it seemed this armor had a built in magnetic field for weapons. They snugged tightly to my back with a clang. I picked up the sniper rifle next and studied the weapon.
"[i]that's a wire rifle, it's both a sniper and fusion rifle in one. Very powerful. Pull and hold that trigger there and enjoy the results![/i]"
I did as she stated. The rifle charged and 5 seconds later it projected the charged shot forward with barely any recoil.
"It's really well balanced, I'm definitely going to keep this."
I started to turn around while admiring my new weapon. Skye materialized in front of me.
"Yeah Skye?"
I gazed up at the area ahead of me which was engulfed in flames. The fire must've started from when the sniper kept missing its shots, the forest roared at me with a bellowing ferocity.
End of Chapter 2.
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