This game is rated T for teen. I'm 14 and I see no reason why I should be treated differently. It's one thing if it is rated M, but it isn't
Edited by Justicar Thorn: 7/20/2015 9:22:31 PMBecause the vast majority of gamers nowadays are 25+ (Google it) and we don't want to game with you. Deal with it.
Who is we btw?
Adult gamers. You know, the entire reason a sqeakers made this whiney post?
Last I checked u do not speak for all adult gamers
I would say, judging by the post, that the majority of adults agree with me. Go clean your room.
Man f**k off
You first. I've been here since the internet was invented. Your mom allow you to talk like that at home?
Edited by PC_MustardRace: 7/22/2015 1:49:58 AMYou've been around since the 1950's? I'd like bet on that.
Shouldn't you understand that your are buying a game for 13+?
Shouldn't you understand that's a guide for content and not intended audience?
Shouldn't you understand bungee made this13+ so we can play this game? Your argument is invalid. You can't stop people from playing a game If it is rated their age.
I hate children. .. Bungie made a game The ERSB, [u]not bungie[/u] decided the rating It was never marketed to children. Red Bull energy is not meant for children, and has been used for marketing Call of duty (rated M) included destiny shader blacksmith as a preorder bonus. Both psn and xbox live require parental consent to use under 18. Nothing about this game is geared to your age group. Get over it, squeaker
It is still 13+ any way you slice it
That doesn't give you the right to complain that the vast majority of the player base wants nothing to do with you. Accept it. Make friends your age and stay off our fire teams.
You're an ass hole u know that?
Yup, your mom thought the same thing when I said she should have swallowed you.
So ur admitting ur an asshole
Yes, maybe that's how you ended up with ausbergers. Sorry,son.
Silence, young one.
Silence, old one