I don't know what all the fuss is about. I didn't suddenly turn into an unstoppable killing machine. Opponents didn't run in fear as I fired thorns at them. I got my ass kicked in PvP just as much as I normally would. And you can't say it's because I'm not skilled enough. You can't claim this gun is OP and then claim I'm not skilled enough to use it properly. If that's the case than this gun isn't OP.
My understanding of what over powered means is that some piece of gear is too easy to use and allows players to kill opponents too easily. The way everyone talked about Thorn it was as if this gun could be picked up by anyone and that player would instantly unlock God mode. Not true. Not at all. That didn't happen.
So the moral of this story is that Thorn is not OP. It doesn't turn bad players into great players. I got gunned down by many guns that were not Thorn. Maybe you crybabies are just awful at this game. Hell, I didn't even notice players running for cover after I hit them the first time. They just kept running at me and shooting.
You nerf herders are idiots.
[b]EDIT: I'm abandoning this thread. The sheer lunacy of the "nerf it" crowd is overwhelming and stifling. Usually I'm all for angry bantering back and forth with people that I think are incompetent. But the ideology of the "nerf it" community cannot be reasoned with nor appeased. It's the definition of a "mob mentality," with torches, pitch forks, and all. Good bye and good luck. I just hope you "nerf herders" know what you're doing, but I don't think you do. You all just want to catered to like spoiled children.[/b]
You use thorn and dont feel any difference? Even without burn it has a better ttk as red death has. This is a case of git gud, no doubt, riddle solved.
I agree with you. It's all propaganda. High rof autorifles for the win - love to shred thorn users with hard light and silimars wrath before they even know what's up
Get it upgraded and u will still do bad, u suck
Don't worry about it dude. This game is hopeless now. Bungie has made it very clear about who they listen too. Crybabies and high paid streamers. They can kiss my ass. I'm not paying for TTK. Promise you that.
Dude... Did you forget where you are? Reasonable people are the [b] minority[/b] here.
Nerf this awful weapon already
Nerf crybabies will always suck. They just shift blame and pick new stuff to cry Nerf about.
Mm. I can kill someone in less than a second with Thorn. Two headshots and they're toast. Huge amount of aim assist too. You must be especially bad if you can't do half decent with it.
Hmm. You don't have mark of the devourer. The reason it is op.
If you're bad with the thorn you're a special kind of bad... I got that gun and I went from a 1.3 to a 1.6 K/D. It's a performance enhancing gun and idk how anyone can suck with it.
Edited by xilxad: 7/19/2015 10:25:28 PMI've been saying it for months, bungie knows it too but its simply not conducive to future sales to tell a large portion of your consumer base that they are a bunch of pussies (like the guy beneath me in the post) and that they either need to get better or shut the hell up.
Edited by PntBllr09: 7/20/2015 2:14:48 AMIf you don't use thorn then why do you even care? And to tell people to stop whining, and then whine about the nerf? The problem bungie sees is their is not enough diversity in the game. They want people to use different weapons and not all flock to the same one. It's why they nerfed auto rifles, and why they will continue to make changes during the entire existence of the game. It's also worth noting that if you know what you are doing you can glitch the thorn to give the last round bonus damage with your first two shots of the mag.
Sorry to say, your just bad. Your grim score is proof enough you have fail to experience the game to know. One you jump into crucible thinking this will make you superior is fool hardy, but when the weapon is in the hands of someone who's played more, takes no time to adjust. Plus behavior is something you notice in time too. Most thorn users just two shot and run, that there takes sooooo much skill. Thank god for my armor levels. Don't get two shoted. Plus if over 50% of kills are from thorns, then that is a sign that the weapon is to easy to use. Scrubs flock to the easiest weapon to use which is the most powerful weapon in the game att. Once was suros, now thorn, and next is hawkmoon.
Edited by Dismal Trauma: 7/20/2015 1:50:40 AM[quote]I don't know what all the fuss is about.[/quote] No shit. It was [i]literally[/i] your first time using it. What did you expect?? Way to make an ass out of yourself.
Lol you seem really irate for someone who does not use the thorn and wants the thorn to remain the same. If anyone is a cry baby, its you for wanting your baby handcannon to stay the same. Wahhhh, now i have to use a gun that takes more skill to use waahh
There is no fuss. A select bunch of b[i]i[/i]tches cry about everything.
If anything is OP about Thorn it's the range. stop bitching about the burn dmg that does next to nothing. I use Thorn(OMG I'm a -blam!-ing cheater) and I hit ppl with 2-3 shots I've never hit someone twice and ran away. If the burn kills you it's cuz you ran away or it's a postmortem, bounty yo!! Anyway I can get just as many kills using Necrochasm(widely known as a complete piece of shit weapon) and get just as many kills!! It's not the gun it's the player and whiny little bitches need to step their game up instead of crying that everything is OP!!
This...it's a bunch of bitches crying...I've said this before and after every weapon rebalance...these same bitches will cry about the next gun that they perceive gives the player an unfair advatage...the same exact thing will happen after this rebalance...
There always has to be a gun that dominates in a game, look at cod which is all pvp there is always a gun that shines no matter what changes it undergoes. Yes I hate the way that this system works for guns and I hope this upcoming patch can expand people variety so we can see more than just a thorn in pvp
The gun doesn't make the player. It's the player that makes the gun.
A Patrolling Guardian
See you, Space Cowboy. - old
Oh jeez, this one player didn't become a god of death with Thorn the first time he used it. I guess all my whining was unwarranted. Nevermind that over a quarter of the PvP players in the past months used Thorn. Nevermind that most players couldn't go into a 6v6 round of Crucible without seeing Thorn on half the other players. Nevermind that you could be 2 shotted by Thorn (burned down by Mark of the Devourer) at Scout Rifle ranges. Nevermind that people loved to spam the Final Round on Thorn. Well'p, I got an innocent, totally not OP weapon nerfed into balance. Time to commit sudoku. -
Get gud
You honestly just suck kid
I'm not one to usually say this but I just can't help my self. The obvious answer here is that you clearly suck at PVP. that's coming from an, at most, average PVP player (me). Anyone with half a brain cell will understand that Thorn and Last Word are overpowered. We all know why they're op. If you don't agree then you're either in denial or desperately trying to defend your crutch.