Exactly what it says, similar to old Counter Strike gun game...
1. Each player starts with one exotic gun with infinite ammo, normal mag size and reloads (no special or heavy or whatever to switch too)
2. A kill (or a few kills) 'upgrades' you to the next gun..
3. First one to get one kill with all exotic weapons wins
4. Supers count as a kill (if your struggling to get a kill with your sniper, pop your super, get a kill, switch to next weapon)
5. Dying from melee kill makes you go back a weapon
Would give new players a chance to use and see the exotics they are trying to get. Give a completely different playlist for players getting bored with normal PvP. Would you play it?
Edited by THE K1LL1ONA1RE: 7/17/2015 9:14:28 PMI'd be down but no abilities Final gun is NLB
No supers but apart from that sounds the same as the counter strike gun game but start off with the most powerful gun (thunder Lord) and end with a melee kill. Also maybe have playlists of weapons like primary playlist or a secondary/heavy playlist so it's not always the same thing over and over again like all destiny content
Wont happen but cool idea
Yeah, I like the sound of this, but think it works better if you start with the most powerful gun and 'downgrade' when you get a kill. Start with Gjally, end up with NLB, first person to get a kill with NLB wins.
Start with last word end with Ghorn
Played this game mode on battlefield 4 and it's pretty fun :)
Yes please
But not just one kill with each
Bring back pocket infinity - old
Can melee 1 hit so we can gun game troll? -
I would play it. But without supers or granades