Why would I be ashamed of myself? Would you agree people can become both their best and worst self, when they realize no one has any prior information to understand their motives and personality?
Why the psycho-babble? Can't a man just enjoy dancing without his pants on?
Why wouldn't I enjoy dancing with pants ON rather than OFF?
What if I'm just prejudiced against pants?
Do you think it is my business what you are prejudiced against?
Then why can't you accept that I want to dance without pants?
Are you not trying to "suck me" into your dance with no pants? Is that not why I stood against its tyranny?
Why must my choice equate to tyranny?
Does tyranny not take different forms for different people? Did those under rulers such as Hitler find him a tyrant when he brought their country to the top of the world?
Why did he wear his mustache like that?
Was it not his choice, just as yours is to dance without pants?
Then why is my choice tyrannical?
Why is it to me, you might ask? Is it tyrannical, or was a no-pants philosophy one I didn't like, so I inflated its existence with a word holding negative connotations?
Why would you falsely characterize my non-tyrannical, pants-less choice? Are you, in fact, the tyrant here?
Does a tyrant need to hold command of others in order to live up to his label? Do you find me a tyrant simply because I am the OP?
And what would you say if I DID think you were a tyrant for being the OP? Haven't my responses from the beginning been calculated to bring an end to your reign?
Do you find me a tyrant or a malevolent ruler who wants only to see conversations flourish, and ideas understood that may not have ever been thought about until now? Every tyrant teaches the world something, would you disagree?
Why would you try to teach me that it's not acceptable to wear pants?
Do you believe I was teaching you to disobey your own wishes? Don't you think I was showing you that you should do what you want, even if it is not the most popular action or idea?
Then why would you say that people would run away in terror if I took off my pants and danced? Don't you think that hurts my feelings? Don't you think that makes me feel oppressed?
Does life continue on, despite what adversity you face? Did every great ruler stop the first time someone insulted him or questioned his actions?
But have any truly great leaders ever attempted to stop people from dancing without pants?
Have you read federal law recently? Do you think the US or any other country straight down to North Korea would be OK if you suddenly danced in front of other men without pants? They may question your actions, or even forbid it, but slave escapes and those helping them were charged to death on sight weren't they? Where are we now?
Are you assuming that I will be arrested for dancing without pants? Are you also assuming that I will not have underpants?
Have you heard of public indecency? It depends on where you are dancing now doesn't it?
Don't you think I would carefully choose my pants-less dancing spot to comply with local law?