Why are you getting so defensive?
What make you think I am defensive?
Edited by dukeofplatypus: 7/16/2015 4:14:18 AMWhy did you use "what" Instead of "why"?
I will ask you not to worry about it?
What if I reject your proposal?
Well what if I take my pants off and dance?
Wouldn't we all run away in terror? Are you a dude?
So what if I'm a dude? Does that make you uncomfortable?
Do you think I should be comfortable watching another guy strip dance in front of me and that guy expects me to stick around and watch?
Would it help if I told you that I'm incredibly sexy?
Do you think I want to watch a guy strip, no matter how sexy?
But what about all those rumors I heard about you?
What rumors could you possibly have heard about me when you do not even know of my true identity?
Why don't you reveal your true identity so we can put this to rest?
Why should I allow a stranger of sorts to know my true self?
Wait, don't you know who [i]I[/i] am?
Wouldn't you agree a virtual presence is a distorted version of your true self, and that no one can truly know another through a computerized aid?
Why would you distort yourself online? Are you ashamed of something?
Why would I be ashamed of myself? Would you agree people can become both their best and worst self, when they realize no one has any prior information to understand their motives and personality?
Why the psycho-babble? Can't a man just enjoy dancing without his pants on?
Why wouldn't I enjoy dancing with pants ON rather than OFF?
What if I'm just prejudiced against pants?
Do you think it is my business what you are prejudiced against?
Then why can't you accept that I want to dance without pants?
Are you not trying to "suck me" into your dance with no pants? Is that not why I stood against its tyranny?