This is basically a milestone for me. I started off playing this game on PvE only and finally getting a Mark of the Unbroken is a huge achievement for me. Sorry to the other team, though.
Nice, I got my 4th one without even realising 20 seconds before the game ended, I got my 15th kill and bolted it out of the enemy spawn, was not ruining that medal... Although I ruined one of my own in Salvage when it was up, or rather my friend did when he blocked my rocket and got me shotgunned when I was 14-0 -_-
Very Nice. Many congratulations.
I went 13-0 on iron banner got my 10 kills without dieing and I wasn't trying for it just happened . Only 13 but I'll take that
Got my third one today in skirmish :)
Congrats! My best unbroken was a 33-0 in a control match.
Prevailing unbroken is fun, I've done it a few times, one time without even realizing it until late in the game.
Got my first yesterday too. 20-0 in pantheon
Congrats. I am really crap at pvp so unlikely to ever go unbroken. Yesterday in skirmish I spawned in and died. Then went 14 - 0 + 3 assists. So close yet so far.
I got 14 kills and was ads at a guy with jolders hammer and then the game ended. I was so pissed. But I got a sum of all tears the next day
Nice one! It's a great feeling when you get it!👍
I had about 8 games where I could have gotten this... but I'd get greedy and go for more kills... all resulting in 1 death to a super.
I need 7th column :(
I've gotten unbroken twice and just got sum of all tears the other day. I dont think I'll ever get seventh column :(
Have you gotten a sum of all tears
Went unbroken twice yesterday!! It's a good feeling!!
Nice! I was close one game but I died once. D:
Nice :D it feels good don't it? Now try getting one with NLB like I did :D 19-0 it feels amazing :D
Monster Hunter - old
How do you get unbroken -
I got mine by getting dropped in at the last second. 1 and 0 baby!!!
Congrats! It is not easy to pull off an unbroken for people learning the strings of pvp. What you have done is in fact a great achievement, no matter what loadout you used.
I need 7th column. I can't wait for the next iron banner so I can go into control and wreck all the new players.
Hell yeah. Got my first one a few weeks ago. It's definitely a good feeling.
I got mine on the last Monday of the last Iron Banner. It was great, I didn't know how well I was doing.
Awesome I finally got it during. The last iron banner
I hope i can one day
Edited by gcw0068: 7/16/2015 2:21:29 AMOk congrats I guess just let me ask you some easy yes or no questions ;) Question one. Did you use blink? Question two. Did you use a shotgun? Question 3. Did you use a sticky grenade? Question 4. Did you use an exotic hand cannon? Question 5. Well at least you weren't a sunsinger. If you answered yes to all of these questions your perfection was legit. If not, you cheesed it and you don't deserve the medal. If you cheesed it you're stupid.