Hey Deej! Where's the latest weapon usage statistics for PVP and PVE?
You posted up a whole slew of statistics to justify the last major "weapons balancing" which saw auto rifles nerfed into the ground.
You stated that auto rifles were an overused weapon class and that pulse rifles were hardly touched by the majority of players.
Well it's been quite a while since that auto rifle nerf and there's been quite a few Iron Banners and Trials of Osiris events (not to mention Prison of Elders).
So why don't you post up the latest weapon usage statistics, so that we can all confirm what we know to be true.
Auto rifles are now a joke and have been relegated to the lowly position once occupied by pulse rifles - unused by the majority of the Destiny player base.
Come on Deej, don't be shy, post up the statistics so that we all know that hand cannons are King.
Instead of nerfing any guns keep all weapons the way they are that have received actual buffs (buffs without first receiving a nerf then buffed again to compensate for over-nerfing) and restore all guns ever nerfed to their original stats. This will balance the weapons and make crucible fun and provide different weapon choices for people and make for interesting encounters instead of just hand cannon and pulse rifles which crucible mainly is now.
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