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7/14/2015 8:30:57 PM

I'm over this game

Well folks, I'm finally quitting Destiny, Bungie . You have screwed me for long enough. I have been there since day one and have completed over 35 Nightfalls, 45 Public events, 9 Raids, 3 fully upgraded characters with Exotics and Legendaries out the Wazoo. You have refused to answer my cries for simply one Gjallarhorn, Atheon, Mythoclast, or Thorn etc... You have over-powered these weapons in the crucible and TOE which furthers my frustration. I can not win a single TOE based on the matchmaking of always facing opponents with full 34 Osiris Gear and Thorns, GH, Mytho, Etc... Massive amounts of people are gaining new access to these weapons daily yet I have been left in the dust. My girlfriend as well has been there since about month 4-5 and still has received nothing to write home about as well. We have ground long and arduously to only be met with despair. As you have just celebrated your year one, I hope this message reaches you as my final words to a company whose treasure randomization system and vendors refuse to give me anything of substance. I'm done with you. I won't dare look at taken king for this ridiculous price of $40 on a DLC. If I do not receive a weapon mentioned above or a discount on taken king for my long hours of play and severe disappointment with the games reward systems, I will be in fact gone for good.... I will also look into ordering a Taken King PS4 and smashing it on camera with my gripes and full story to tell. I bet that will pay for my sorrows in Youtube bucks.

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  • I've done over 60 raids entirely (mostly vog and not including the probably 30-40 raids I didn't fully complete and still no fatebringer. RNG

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  • Edited by nglbutter0295: 7/16/2015 7:29:39 PM
    Just to add some salt to them wounds, I got Gjallarhorn from a strike (my first exotic :D). But that was long ago, back when I was 21 within 2 months of the game's release. A lot has changed though lads, hasn't it ;-;

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  • Bro, you have a total of 10hrs played. Some people have 50+ hrs on one character alone. Don't give up. I know how you feel. I don't have vaginahorn either, but I took some time off the game and I'm now starting to enjoy it again. Just not as much.

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    1 Reply
    • It's good to see that intelligent people are finally catching on to the criminal enterprise that is Destiny and Bungievision. They have screwed everyone since day one. They will not address the very public issues with the game and continue to ignore the players. Now after two pathetic DLCs, that they should have given away for free as bad as they were they want players to take them on their word, while they screw them all over again. Apparently they missed the class on trust. It is earned, not given. They have to provide a real reason for players to take them on their word. And after the relentless F***ing Bungievision has given all of us, it will have to be an overwhelming reason.

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      1 Reply
      • Of all the actual problems in the game, you cry about RNGesus? Quit for the crappy servers and complete lack of customer service from Bungie, but save your crying about loot drops for people who care...maybe your mommy for example

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      • Got to love people that lie on the internet. You've completed the Vault of Glass a grand total of 3 times and Crota's End once. Only one of those Vault runs was even on hard, so you're complaining that you haven't gotten a Mythoclast in the single time that you've killed Atheon on hard. (For the record, I didn't get Atheon's Epilogue or Vision of Confluence until I had nearly 50 Vault completions.) As for Thorn, are you actually completing bounties to get a chance to start that quest line? As for Gjallarhorn, I had more than twice your total time in before I finally got one, but I wasn't complaining that I didn't have it. I wasn't threatening no one and trying to grab attention by saying that I wasn't going to play anymore because I hadn't gotten it. Does RNG suck? Yeah. Is it worth throwing a temper tantrum over, though? If you're going to leave, then leave. You've gotten a lot of hours out of the game - a lot more than most other games, I'm sure. Stay or go; it doesn't matter to most of us since we probably don't know you. I should mention that I have my own complaints about the game, but most of those aren't about the luck aspect (though 50 exotic helmet engrams without a Ram is a bit absurd), so I'm not saying that people shouldn't complain. However, I'm of the opinion that complaining should serve a point. Criticize the game if you want to, but offer suggestions that aren't entirely self serving if you want any empathy. Anyway, in my experience, the people most vocal about having had enough and leaving the game - the ones that post on every site they can about what they are doing - they're the ones that are right back in the thick of it when the next DLC comes out, if only long enough to get jaded again and start their rants again. See you in two months.

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        4 Replies
        • Ok so you're pissed about the price of TTK but you're going to buy a PS4 and smash it unless you get a discount and a gally... The retard is strong with this one.

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        • You smell of salt, therefore I name you Epsom.

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        • I got my fourth gjallarhorn today from my well over a hundredth nightfall

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        • Wow you are bitching again and boasting about how many raids Uve done dude nobody cares at all. You are not special just because u have a voice and shit for brains

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        • I smell a troll

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        • 9 raids? Honestly, that's not very many. I have well over 100, and have just 3 Ghorn drops. Considering that's where they usually drop, i'm not surprised. Also, thorn is not that hard to get. Do bounties and you will get a light in the dark which becomes thorn.

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        • Edited by P8ball NINJA 74: 7/16/2015 3:03:29 AM
've done so little, yet u cry so many tears over ur lack of accomplishments and rewards. Boo hoo. You've never beaten Atheon! U do know Vex only drops on hard completion? 9 raids? Ha, do six in a week if u were smart. You should have run Nightfalls 5 x more than u have too by now! U gotta earn ur shit by grinding, completing and just plain luck . U don't seem to do or have any of that, yet u expect all the rewards....and u only have one maxed character and two scrubs....

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        • You haven't even beaten Crota on hard, get over yourself.

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        • You played today....actually quit if you say you are going to.

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        • Ok leave

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        • 0

          Monster Hunter - old

          Ok bye

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        • #sheepskin

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        • Waaaaaahhh I cant get a Gally waaaahhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!

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        • Ok Buh bye.

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        • Are you serious? What a dweeb!

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        • Good we don't need crybabys like you.9 raids seriously?wow.its just a F U C K I N G game seriously.good F U C K I N G riddens lmao all I see are crybabys on these forums.great job wasting all your money on these games.

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        • *waves*

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        • k.

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        • Edited by Adept_Dark: 7/15/2015 6:03:20 PM
          Dude that's how the game works luck. I'll admit it sucks bad but eventually you will get the stuff you want. Lol. I've done way more than you have I didn't get a freaking fatebringer till like last week haha don't wine about it it's just a game.

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        • Full Upgraded? You have a 32, 33, and a single 34. That's not fully upgraded characters

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