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7/7/2015 3:22:22 PM

This Bungie Day sucks compared to past Bungie Day's

For those of us not in the US you know the other 80% of the world we are being screwed this day. Every other Bungie day today has kicked in at Midnight PST. So that way the AU/EU/JPN could all play and get the proper rewards and what not. It is now 8 hours into Bungie Day for the world based on this time. (01:00 8th July AU/16:00 7th July EU/00:00 8th July JPN) Currently Bungie Day has actually Ended for a lot of players and they won't be able to get on to get their rewards before work tomorrow. This Updating at 10AM PST has to stop and is hurting the rest of the player base not in the US. While I agree Most EU has it easier those in the not so lucky countries will miss out because of this BS. Its not hard to set up updates like it was prior HoW, That Automated System was working fine! can we go back to it??

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  • What rewards? We are getting an emblem when TTK comes out. BUNGIE day is a joke

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    3 Replies
    • All I got for bungie day was heartburn from red bull, the runs from Taco Bell and a headache from activision. Maybe I should have reserved bungie day....

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    • Well bungie day is just celebrating what Bungie is best at. Disappointment.

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      2 Replies
      • Edited by CosmoJ: 7/7/2015 5:08:23 PM
        I agree... Bungie Day is all corporate now. I remember when I was a kid and my parents would take us down to the lake on Bungie Day. We'd grill hot dogs, play games, wear the customary Bungie Day red towel on our heads...but back then it was an actual red towel, not the logo embroidered scarf you can buy in the stores now for Bungie Day. Those were simpler times back then. Such wonderful memories of Bungie Day's past.

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      • Of course it sucks, they're celebrating [i][u][b]Destiny[/b][/u][/i].

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      • Only children play this anymore. Lets gather more tears

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      • Edited by shaunvfx: 7/7/2015 6:01:44 PM
        This is literally the most moronic post I have ever read on these forums. Bungie is a US, West Coast based business. When they roll something out they need coverage in case there are problems. If I were running the project I certainly wouldn't inconvenience all my staff each time a release came out by forcing them to work around the clock, that's just stupid and bad for morale. Additionally, even if they had employees across the globe capable of handling these issues upon time zone rollouts, you are a fool to think they could even accommodate something so complex. If they segregated every region and didn't allow them to talk to other regions then potentially a time zone rollout could be possible, but then I wouldn't be able to play with my friends in Australia or even the east coast of the U.S. -- to make it clearer the time zone environments would not be in sync!!! This defeats the entire premise of destiny. You my friend take the cake of utter stupidity. Next time try and critically think through the challenges of honoring such an asinine request before posting and then maybe you would have some semblance of intelligence. As it stands you are a whiney little bitch, probably a 12 year old child (I'd put money on that). At most you are on par with my 3 year old daughter's level of intelligence, and even that is a stretch. Another muted for eternity!!

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        6 Replies
        • You can't get the rewards until TTK releases hahaahha it doesn't matter at all

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        • Merica!!

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        • Just look at his hashtags. This guy is a troll

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        • There's always at least 1 asshole....

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        • News flash you and whatever country you're in aren't the center of the world and bungie doesn't do everything based on you they do it based on where they are which happens to be in the US if they were Australia or Europe then they'd do it 10 am there

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        • Only children play this garbage anymore

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          16 Replies
          • Are you telling me a USA based compony is operating based off of the time in the US? Shocking!........

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            14 Replies
            • I agree the content should be automatically pushed right after midnight PST on Bungie Day. They can schedule it, its only code after all. I'm in Eastern timezone and logged in before going to work for nothing. Now that I'm at work, I'm trolling the forum to see the confirmation of what package/mission/disappointment awaits me when I get back home tonight.

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              2 Replies
              • I came into this thread expecting something about how they've done everything from shipping steaks to giving out their sacred flaming helmet and now they do nothing more than announce another ps4 with some cheap paint on it. I am disappointed that you choose a non-existant timing issue to complain about (because they have yet to actually talk about the emblem that means nothing to anyone).

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              • OP is calling for Bungie to nerf Time Zones.

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                • Maybe move to the USA if it bothers you so much. Now excuse me while my freedom drowns out all your pathetic whining.

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                  5 Replies
                  • But what about us Ethiopian gamers!?! Seriously id be shocked if I heard a European gamer do anything else but whine. That's what Socialism creates, entire continents of babies who think the world revolves around them.

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                    1 Reply
                    • Silly child, video games aren't real!

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                    • I would agree with you, but then I'd be a dick too. So, disagree.

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                    • People will complain about anything.

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                      • What i hate is that they picked the exact part of the us to screw up other people in the us

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                        7 Replies
                        • 'Merica

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                        • From, U.S. Totally agree! You guys are getting the short end of the stick.

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                          • #hereisatissue

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