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originally posted in: Why Xur Should Sell Ghorn
Edited by PROTOTYPE BLITZ: 7/7/2015 6:57:03 AM
It was randomized and that guy... forget his name now... something woth master in it... figured out the pattern. If you knew anything about math you would know that randomization isnt really random. The results are determined by a set of matrices that take a number and spit out another. What i am trying to say is that he understood the matrices and predicted what would happen next. Of course they had to change it or else bungie would be looked down upon. Just because something is random, doesnt mean they dont have the power to change it. Anyways it is random. In summary, random isnt really random. It is impossible for us to make something truly random, and that is how that guy figured out the pattern, which is why it was changed. . . . Sorry if any of that ^^^ was irrelevant, but i copied and pasted that from something i said to someone else and i didnt want to type it again. . . . Of course they have the power to change it. They had to when megamaster or whatever datamined. Using your logic, since the only sold tlord once(up until i left a few weeks ago, this would be invalid if he sold it since, which im not sure about) , that that will also never again be sold. . . . Again someone is bringing up uncommon situations for gally being op. Not everyone is a titan. Even less people have ruin wings, and even less people use it. Either way, it doesnt increase heavy drop rate, it just increases the amount of heavy you get from a heavy pack. Also, why would you even bring up crota? People dont do crota nearly as much as they used to, and it is so easy now that gally isnt necessary at all (personally i dont think it ever was, but whatever). Anyways truth is better for crota PER MAG. Do the math. 3 truth shots>2 gally shots. Dont remember the specific damage values, but i remember doing the math and proving this right once. Also, heavy ammo packs have a 5 minute cooldown. It doesnt seem that 5 minutes is a long time, but while playing it feels like an eternity. . . . Gally really isnt that op. If you want a breakdown of why i say that, read my post. And xur is random, which doesnt mean they arent able to change it. Sorry for any typos and thank you for not being rude.

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  • First off, you actually proved my point about Bungie having the power to control what xur sells. Even if it's an algorithm that controls what exotic is sold, they could pick an algorithm that makes it 99.999999% impossible for gally to be sold (again.) I also never stated that thunderlord would never be sold again. Sure it's only been sold once, but that's not relevant in the point I'm trying to make. Let's look at how desired (and op) gally, NLB, and dragons breath is. Gally is the most sought after exotic. It is also the strongest choice for just about any pve situation. While NLB and dragons breath is capable of being god-tier exotics, they are either too hard/or code contradicted (I'm referring to pve monsters staying in the dragons breath solar grenade) to use. So here this rng xur sells NLB and Dragons breath (which isn't very desired) like 8 times each, but he won't sell gally (most desired) a second time? Lmao that sure sounds random to me. Secondly, ruined wings increases heavy ammo drop rate AND how much each heavy ammo drop contains. Please re-read the exotics perk. I only mentioned the Crota heavy ammo glitch as a reference to what glitch I was referring to. I didn't mean to refer exactly to Crota. I was trying to refer to a player emptying their primary and heavy ammo and killing enemies with an ice breaker. It's a 100% heavy ammo drop rate until the player picks up ammo. My friends and I use this glitch on skolas post-nerf, and we are still able to gally him to death in like 3 minutes. You can use this glitch on any boss or area that is giving you a problem. If you need heavy on the spot, use a synthesis. Sure it has a 5 minute cool down, but you will be fine if you only use gally on majors. Between the three things mentioned, heavy ammo is no problem to attain. I also want to thank you for not being rude. I just want to clarify my opinion. I just feel that some of your post is partially wrong, and I prove to you why I believe that it is.

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  • Random doesnt always look random. You could randomize red, green, and blue but get a shitton of green and blue but little red. It doesnt matter which one is your fav, what is gonna happen is gonna happen. You are saying what you think is most sought after. It doesnt mean everyone else agrees. I wabted vex much more than i wanted gally for sure, and im positive that many people that have been here since day 1 and know the struggle to get vex early on will agree with me. It really isnt op either. Pvp you didnt disagree with me on but pve you did. It is obvious that people use primaries and secondaries wayyyyyy more than heavies. Therefore, it is pretty situational. Sure the heavy ammo glitch can be done anywhere (hell, i even did it for omnigul once) but that doesnt mean it is necessary. It is very possible to do skolas with snipers. Also, Tlord on arc skolas worked just as well for me as ghorn on solar skolas did. Not very organized here ^^^ lol but what i am trying to say that the definition of random is that you get what you dont expect, so why do you say it isnt what you expected? I am also saying that ghorn isnt op ir the most sought after for various reasons.

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  • I'm looking at how beneficial it is to Bungie that Gally isn't sold for a while. Players need an carrot on a stick to chase. Gally is very appealing for many reasons. I know many players that have grinded hundreds of hours for their first one to drop. If xur sold it a second time, Destiny's average player and daily players' play time count would drop drastically. So what does Bungie do? They hold out on selling their "carrot on a stick" exotic and sell exotics that no one really wants most of the time. Sure randomness can throw out certain results more often than others, but it's ridiculous if you think about how coincidental beneficial it is to Bungie. I understand completely about your struggle with vex. I completed around 30ish some hard runs before TDB dropped as a lvl 29 to get my first vex to drop. I however don't see how this is relevant since we are debating about xur and gallyhorn. It's confirmed that the only way to get vex is from beating hard mode atheon. Why even mention the vex since it's not in xur's loot table? You talk about how ppl wouldn't abuse the heavy ammo glitch as if no one abuses other glitches. How many times was atheon and Crota cheesed? How many times have ppl cheated in this game? The majority of this gaming community will do just about anything to make the game easier for themselves. Why would the heavy ammo glitch be an exception? Oh and please man, everyone knows how op the gallyhorn is. Look at statics. The majority of fireteams want it for a certain reason. Not because it looks cool or that it's "rare." It's because it's a dps monster. Just like thorn, it's desired/used by many just because it's op.

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  • Not gonna write a lot cuz im at 3% on phone Lol i dont think bungie is that cruel. They have never done anything like that in other games. Will finish if you remind me later. I broight up vex because you said ghorn is most sought after but i said vex is. Will finish later. That was pre HoW. Crota and vog are pretty much irrelevant now. Will finish later. Ghorn is not op. I already told you why i think so in my long ass original post. You are just going on about things i have already addressed. Reread the post if you want clarification. Sorry had to be short.

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  • Sooooooooo, how did you like that weapon rebalance? I'm not the type to usually do this buuuuuuuuuuuut I told you so.

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  • I see that you are standing firm in your opinions. I'm not going to criticize you in your choice, but I will say this. They won't let xur sell gallyhorn unless it is nerfed, or it is somehow made useless (like them capping it's attack dmg off at 365 once ttk comes out.) Don't believe me? That's fine. Actions speak louder than words. You will believe me once Bungie does exactly as I just said. [spoiler]On the off chance that I'm wrong, I will apologize and admit that I was wrong like a man. [/spoiler]

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