Wow. Self-promoting? I didn't think you could go any lower.
At least he is promoting, deej wont win this campaign without advertisements and promotions!
Edited by Jahoonathan: 7/7/2015 4:18:29 AMIt's not a campaign, it's some kid who's a little off and thinks he can just decide to be this if he wants
Ill take anyone over deej, just the fact this kid pretends to care, already shows more effort and concern then that of deej
Haha, but seriously, the trollness is making it hard to breath in here. He cares about banning controller users and people under 18
Are you telling me you do not use a mouse and keyboard? Wow, scrubs these days, but honestly though, i find using a mouse and keyboard offers a better gaming experience ( for first person shooters); just like a steering wheel with pedals makes gaming better and more enjoyable for racing games.
Um okay, don't you realize there's a reason using mouse and keyboard is considered cheating and that you can be banned for doing it? But seriously don't you own a car? If you want peddles and steering wheels and peddles why don't you get in your car and drive somewhere?
I do own a car, 2002 suzuki aerio, 4 cyl 2 L, only makes 153 hp, i do drive it alot, but my fuel tank does not vent vapor/ air out properly, and so it takes an obnoxiously long time to fill it up, so i usually do not just go for cruises/ joy rides.
Ah, car troubles suck, I recently just got a new jeep Commander 6 cl but feels great. My old car had trash fuel intake and needed repairs every other year. Glad to be done with that, I really love cruises/joyrides though
It would be more enjoyable if my car was an automatic, its a 5 speed manual, and can be annoying during rush hour on my way to work.
Manuals fun but it's just not functional for daily driving
Exactly, only reason i have this car is because it was only 500( but had a hole in the bellhousing, and aluminum shards in trans, so ihad to replace that and clutch, i had my friend ( who builds and races cars) show me how to re assemble) but altogether (parts and car, i did labor) i got the car for 1200. And its my first car, drives nicely and only has 113k miles
Sounds nice, I'd like to have a car project someday