I've looked into buying the next/first DLC for Desiny, The Taken King. All the ways you can buy it seem unfair to veteran players. I want to get the the collectors edition bc I love destiny. But I don't want to buy the game and the first two Expansions over again. I just want the cool gear it comes with and the taken King. But that's not possible with the bundles. I think bungie should treat their loyal fans better. All tho it might be Activision doing. I still implore bungie to fight back for us veterans. A emblem and a shader ain't enough. PLEASE LISTEN BUNGIE (also I mean physical merchandise with the collectors edition, for example strange coin replica and Cayde-6 journals, maps, ect..)
-it will take up around 50GB with the original destiny.
-Collectors edition is a GameStop exclusive
-40$ for just TTK, 60$ for TTK, original destiny and expansion 1 & 2. 80$ for everything I mentioned plus cool collectables and some in games bonuses.
I myself have invested 1500+ hours in this game and have all 34's each class as well. Plus all exotics weapons and armor expect 1. I heavily invested my time in this game. And I think veterans should get a better deal, for staying loyal.
EDIT: Thank you to everyone for sharing their opinion on the matter. Please check out all the comments if you're just now reading this. Chances are a opinion similar or opposite of yours is being shared.
Why is the Collectors Edition exclusive to Gamestop?! That's what I want to know
Bungie respond
This game was fun... for a time. I've recently realized the only reason I play is because I dont want to fall behind. The chase to be max level and have all the good guns and armor and do raids and nightfalls , PoE, ToO, and all the bounties just to have them done feels like chores now. Ask yourself... are you still having fun? Once youve gotten max level and the few good guns you actually use, what else is there? Ive done it. I have two 34 titans and a 34 warlock. Ive got almost 1200 hundred hours played and hundreds of raids under my belt. It was fun for a time. Gamers make sure your still having fun and not just caught up in feeling like you need to get on and do everything because of the weekly reset. Also if you are thinking about buying taken king which will cost 40$ for the essential DLC. Ask yourself if it will be as fun and in depth as a new game? Its 40$, thats 2/3 the cost of a brand new game. Do you really think the Taken King DLC is going to be 2/3 the size of the original Destiny? My money says its not likely. So I think what im getting at is, there are other games that are fun and new ones that will cost money. I challenge you "gaurdians", to take a week from destiny and see how devoted you still feel to it. Enjoy some other game for a bit, and if you still miss destiny... come back. But always make sure the game your playing is fun and that your not caught up in the snare of grinding old content for things you have or don't want just becuase you can or everyone else is.
Bungie supports the price tags, which was made clear by Luke Smith in his interview. Later on Bungie made it so you could get the Collectors Edition in-game items for $20 separately, but the price points are where they want them. This isn't on Activision, sorry to disappoint you.
This again?!!!
Edited by CandycabNGFL: 7/6/2015 5:56:45 PMIt would have been nice if they offered the physical items separate from the game like Bethesda did with Wolfenstein. http://store.bethsoft.com/wolfenstein-the-new-order-panzerhund-edition.html I would like to see that with all future collectible releases.
It doesn't matter the physical collectors edition has been sold out for weeks and there's no news of a restock
I was away from Destiny for about 3 months and came back so I could level up my level 24 Titan. So happy and excited when he got to level 32. Destiny is still lots of fun
It's funny how people complain about pricing in here. Obviously none of you went to see the Grateful Dead in Chicago this weekend. Great time, but total cash grab... And no one cared.
I want that strange coin replica, and the other goodies. Probably just going to pay the $80.00 Not like I don't work at a good job. This is something I want, and I can afford it. Sure, it's overpriced, but it is what it is.
Thy haven't announced everything yet. Calm your tits and quit bein spoiled and just wait like everyone else.
Edited by St0neR_Pr0d!G¥ (Adept): 7/6/2015 4:58:43 PM
I saw one on eBay not long ago for $553.91.
*rolls eyes*
I created a fairly large thread about all of this a couple of weeks ago that gathered some pretty strong traction. Compiling all of these sentiments or at least providing links to each thread will help to make us more heard on this issue. [url]https://www.bungie.net/en/Forum/Post/131353000/0/0/1[/url]
.....please watch this:
I wanted to get the goodies that came with the Hobbit trilogy deluxe edition as I have the first two already. Guess what? Couldn't. Been that way forever. Know who they're marketing to? People already invested in the product. Get over it.
The reason the physical collectors edition has items with it is because its GStop exclusive and I'm certain GStop payed for the little bonus items like the book and the coin. Bungie is just providing in-game content mate. If you want that extra stuff I don't think you can get it anymore. Basically all the physical TTK CE have been sold out.
Edited by Guardian6205: 7/6/2015 3:29:29 PMWe've already gotten an insane amount of hours out of this game. Me, something like 650 hours for $90 invested. Paying $80 for a huge expansion and some cool exclusive goodies seems totally reasonable. The old game is just another thing in the package. Do I need it? No. Am I outraged? No more than I am outraged to pay $150 for a special edition of Halo or Call of Duty.
Only thing I can criticize is how they seem to forget people play Destiny outside of the USA. A lot. The physical Collectors edition isn't available in my country and I doubt it will be. As ridiculous as that is. Nor can I get redbull codes for the exp thing and the "new mission". Meh...
80$ still seems alot cheaper compared to their last top edition of a game tbh
If nothing else history has shown us Bungie only listen to pvp players
Those editions aren't for veteran players. That wasn't the intent.
its a dlc, not a new game? who cares haha
i have my collectors edition orderd and payed for if you want the maps and replica coin pay for it ffs dont come on here crying like a fooking kid who has lost his dummy sick of looking at posts about this if you want them things pay for them if not pay for the dlc
You want Bungie/Activision to sell a physical collector's edition of a DLC? Do you realize what you're asking for? Can you imagine a CoD map pack collector's edition?