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Edited by Cankle J: 7/6/2015 4:45:15 AM

Parents, do your kids have rules for playing online ?

I commented on with this on another thead and it got me thinking. Too many parents have no idea what their kids are doing online and its creating a community of assholes.I have set simple rules for my kids when they play online. What rules, if any have you set? *No trolling.(unless the other guy started, in which it is now considered payback) *No griefing. (Minecraft) *No [b][u]UNPROVOKED[/u][/b] teabagging. *No corner camping. *No spawn camping. *No cheating/glitching in pvp. *No team killing. *No cheesing(same move over & over in fighting games) *No yelling into the mic. *No gloating(unless the other guy started it) *Don't be a dick [b]*EDIT 1:[/b] Thanks for good responses. If I didn't respond to then I you're comment then you're probably an idiot or a troll. Possibly both. [b]*EDIT 2:[/b] UNPROVOKED teabagging. [quote]my boys are 11 & 13 and at that age teabagging is like gloating, bragging or teasing. That's not what I want my children doing. Those are not not the values I want my children having. However, the rule is "unprovoked", if someone's playing like an asshole then go for it. They deserve it.[/quote]

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  • Edited by Tuxx: 7/6/2015 7:24:49 PM
    I'd say no trolling at all or griefing. In my book, the real word for those two things is just being a dick. It's different if it's 2 friends "trolling" each other to have fun and mess around, but I dont consider that real trolling. Other than that, I'd let my kids do whatever they want in a game, it's just a game after all and they're kids. If they wanna be cheap as hell, they can corner came or use whatever glitches they want. I wouldn't even say no cheating. If they cheat and their account gets banned, they'll suffer those consequences. Obviously I'd teach them and raise them to know cheating is wrong, but in a video game it will ultimately be up to them what they do, after all I can't watch 24/7. Also, no telling people where you live, your age, or your real name. Those were my rules as a kid, and I just feel like giving out personal information like that is a no go for a child. Other than that, I might not allow the 11 year old to play online at all unless there is a way to disable voice chat, I'm not entirely sure. I wouldn't want my kid to miss out on playing mine craft with some buddies on console maybe, but I wouldn't want to expose him to the garbage and sailor mouths of the internet either.

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  • Thing I'm sick of is some 18 year old bitching about how I'm under 15. "Omg stop squeakinnnggg!!!" "Lol kid ur so stupid" "This kid is so young why is he here it's not my fault hes a squeaker" They are whining and being more annoying than I am.

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    3 Replies
    • Edited by IMADAJ: 7/6/2015 7:30:24 AM
      I have two ages 7 and 8. As of now they can only play online with their friends or online games where there is no chat. I've also told them to mind there manners just as they do in RL. I told then that other people may act differently, but that's not an excuse for them to do the same. They also are only allowed online when my wife or I are present.

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      • When I have kids, first thing I'm doing when they are old enough to hold a remote is "press crouch repeatedly on the dead guy to show that you are better than his mum!"

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        • Edited by Gitt: 7/6/2015 12:44:33 PM
          Jesus... That's basically a normal round of battlefield with my friends and I... With the exception of yelling into the mic...

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        • Edited by Rubyk: 7/5/2015 4:25:49 PM
          [quote]*No unprovoked teabagging [/quote] Really? I agree with mostly all of them. Teabagging is just like a a taunt, people who get offended or [i]really[/i] angry about it are stupid. Also, why not just have your kid play a game that is not meant for adults. Lego games, the game where you shoot paint if he likes shooters (Can't remember name)

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          2 Replies
          • I tell my kids to trash talk and call people BKs on halo and make sure to teabag after each kills [spoiler]jk i dint have kids[/spoiler]

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          • Just let them play racing games only.

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          • Yes I have a rule. Tea bag everything and everone.

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          • 0/10 b8 this isn't #destiny where dumbasses reside in such large numbers

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            • When I have kids, I can't wait to tell them about all the dank memes we had.

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            • I know this is aimed at kids, but I've met more than my fair share of "grown-ups" (using the term very loosely) that should take note from this.

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              5 Replies
              • My kids will not be able to play online until they're 16

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                19 Replies
                • This thread reminds me of the one in #Destiny, it was about teabagging from a "concerned mother". Shit got DeeJ to reply, damn that thread was funny.

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                  4 Replies
                  • Glad you're not my parent. Teabaggin is fun!

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                    2 Replies
                    • A game is no longer a game when you kill all the fun. I can see your kids rebel against them rules, will probably lose interest in gaming altogether as they get older. [spoiler]No T-Bags, seriously?[/spoiler]

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                      • Just a hint of advice from some deep in the FGC, you're definition of cheesing is completely and entirely easy to stop and take advantage of. Using the same move over and over again should never get anyone a win in any game.

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                        • ESRB

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                          • Edited by TwilightGhosts: 7/6/2015 12:15:38 AM
                            Honestly the more you restrict them. The more they will be prone to breaking rules being rebellious ect, especially if a lot of the rules seem stupid as shit and then they meet that friend who has even less restriction and it makes them want it different. God forbid social media.. They end up doing the Kylie Jenner challenge,

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                          • My parents didn't allow me voice chat when I was a young kid. Now I appreciate their wisdom.

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                          • The stupidity in this post is so high I don't even know how to reply...

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                          • Edited by Hopeinmo: 7/5/2015 4:53:27 PM
                            corner camping, ... not a problem... spawn camping?... well I would suggest they not do that, but not nessesarily forbid it... Generally do not be an A-Hole in anyway other than your nasty gameplay skills... do not bring it outside of the game (IMO mics fall into the category of outside the game, even if they are part of it to some extent)

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                              Get your rock off my map.... - old

                              Stop being little kids UR NOT NICE!!!

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                              • Are you stupid or trolling?

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                              • Or rather wait until they're at least 10 or 11 before letting them use a mic. But yeah, just teach them to be nice. I don't mind playing with kids as long as they're nice.

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                                • Edited by Diamondceo: 7/5/2015 3:56:07 PM

                                  Get your rock off my map.... - old

                                  Haha lol I agree but teabagin is SOOO fun!!! I only do if someone has a kill streak or they did it to me or somebody else One of my friends is a warlock so he bows if he kills you and he does this EVERY time

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