Life is not fair kid
Not even ps4 users can use their guns... Their servers are barely working in the first place
Edited by Raime-2: 7/6/2015 9:33:20 PMI paid the same amount of money on a hotel as my friend too! And he's in an Embassy and I'm stuck in a goddamn Motel 6!
I agree with you to this is bull crap! Why does bungie love the ps4 so much! I have so many friends that have a play station and they always Brag to me that they have 4th horseman, hawk moon and Monte Carlo. The only good weapon is hawkmoon also. But we also have bragging rights, we have halo! They may have some of the games but I don't think they get halo 5, 4 or halo reach. Halo is way better than a few crappy weapons and maps.
Not anymore. After ttk there will be no exclusives.
Edited by Atomic: 7/7/2015 12:09:05 AMI agree with you I'm not allowed to play halo or CoD so I don't think it's fair for people to say I got my turn
Ok We get a shitty map A shitty strike And a hand cannon,which,while thorn is here,is also shitty Stop complaining,you guys get tonnes of exclusives on Xbox,and you cry over a single gun,get a grip bro
You must get your ass beaten a lot...
Look at it this way. With the release of TTK you'll get 3 exotic weapons and 2 strikes that were previously exclusive. So that's technically more content than PS4 is getting in TTK as we're only getting 1 weapon and 1 strike that's exclusive (the armor doesn't really matter). If anything, we're getting ripped off of our money, as you're getting more content with TTK than we are. Kappa.
You wer't even supose to get the game. Just be happy that they didnt go all the way tru and made it a ps4 exclusive.
Lol. Lol CoD for years right? How's it feel. Maybe u need a band aid.
I was an Xbox user with halo 2 and now I'm a ps4 user with destiny. Rah console had their exclusive quit your crying baby
I agree with you but at the same time we are getting the hawkmoon and the other exclusive stuff this go round. It is bs but the exclusives they are getting this time don't look all that great, I may just be shooting shiznit right now because no one knows how there exclusives will be this time still agree with you though
Calm down idiot. It's simple. Sony payed bungie because Sony believes in bungie and loves their fans. Microsoft on the other hand doesn't give a fuc k
What like. A map and 1 weapon is called a lot of more stuff??
Go complain to microsoft
Actually u probably paid more for your xbone than ps4
I'd feel lucky u even got to play destiny . It's about money bro . Ur post looks like " I brought a SONY where's my halo ?" Sounds stupid right? Bahahaha
that unfortunetly is content exclusives for you... however XBOX users will have access to the old exclusives come TTK dlc but with the predictably eventual nerfing of hand cannons and shotguns i doubt anyone on XBOX will care. "ooo i got Hawkmoon... hand cannons suck now... cheers for the exotic shard! yay!"