Why the hell are using a poem from the Holocaust! I'm offended! How dare you use such [i][b]filth[/b][/i] as to describe a [i][b]VIDEOGAME[/b][/i]!
You're lack of perspective is atrocious, you need to [b][i]seriously think[/i][/b] before posting, and take that poem off this post!
Yeah it is pretty offensive. I mean put aside the game. Did this schmuck really equate a video game to the murder of millions of Jews. Asshole.
Negative kd - git gud scrub
Got you beat sleep. Peewee
1v1 me brah
Get real. Bottom feeder. I'm done keeping your crap post up.
Gtfo....git gud scrub
Such a dub dub
Edited by Acucio: 7/7/2015 12:41:45 AMSeriously OP is a fùcking retard to use that to draw comparisons. Its a fúcking video game get over yourself.
It's not a holocaust poem though.
Edited by Mr Wiskers: 7/6/2015 5:06:00 AMDum ass confirmed
Edited by SaladSlugger: 7/5/2015 6:04:13 AM[i]Lol, it's kinda easy to see he's being sarcastic. [/i] Scratch that. There are people who are legitimately angry over something like this. How? It's a historical poem being used to draw a comparison and show similarities to the topic.
Probably because they didn't do that well in school to understand it ;)
Funny being black is easy trying being a jew. I dint want to hear about slavery either. Our let's see how well you did in school.
I did fantastic.
What the hell is wrong with you?
What are you rambling about. Don't have time to waiste on you. Done
You should take the time to learn to spell. How did YOU do in school?
Guys we are losing sight of what we are taking about. Ok what ever he used a poem that had more meaning to it that what he was applying it to. Just the fact that he knows the poem assures me that he's spent time studying and know how horrible the holocaust was. Have any of you thought that this person might even be Jewish. Lest get back to the topic at hand. Excessive nerfing. We all know this patch is excessive in some way weather it's the shotguns, final round, hand cannons in general or the extreme bullshit of nerfing weapons that are solely used in PvE. Start raging about what's important. Gjallarhorn!