He held a nuke in his hand as it went of...and not a scratch
Fell from ordit... barely a dent
Natsu. Survived a no-oxygen environment. Killed demons. Fought the most powerful dragon ever and someone who kicked Master Mokorv to the curb. And he can get stronger in END form
Sam and dean do that every other episode
No armor bruh. And aliens ain't got anything over demons
Plot armor brah
What do the demon do
...the demon has a distinct evolutionary advantage of not giving a -blam!-. Case in point, demon (koala) in the rain, no -blam!-s given [spoiler]koalas in the rain [i]koalas in the rain[/i] no -blam!-s given [i]koala koalaaa[/i][/spoiler] To understand this reference, go to YouTube and look up "true facts about Marsupials"