Will this be at the lighthouse?
*dips cat paw and bunny ears in ink* *paw press FACE SLAM paw press*
borderlands right
A Patrolling Guardian
See you, Space Cowboy. - old
That's a bit ridiculous, doncha think? I mean, where do we even get a cannon with that much firepower? And OP wouldn't even make it to the Sun...his body would be practically atomized upon the cannon's firing, and anything left would surely burn up upon exiting the atmosphere. We must look...harder... Perhaps...a slingshot maneuver from planetary orbit? -
Or placed in some sort of module that can only last for a certain amount of time. He will be shot into space, protected, then as time goes by, it slowly deteriorates and op suffers. I'll just stay in the corner and not comment anymore. I'm a quiet person in real life. Watch out for the quiet ones. We are watching.
Well said signed
Signed, lol
Into the blackhole