Alright, so in the number of threads I have seen while just killing time or being unable to sleep as per usual, I see various people posting calling the majority of us "whiners" for daring to complain about the game. Not to mention, the now very few, fanboys who praise Destiny like it is the bees knees and greatest game ever. I mean these are the kinds of people you just can't even hold a civilized back and forth with, nothing at all resembling a debate because of how blind they are.
So I'm going to explain something as very clear as I possibly can, because I feel the need to do so.
First, lets get something straight right out the gate. I'm not a Guardian.
I'm a mother-blam!-ing "SPARTAN", understood?
I played Halo: Combat Evolved, Halo 2, Halo 3, ODST, Halo Wars, Halo: Reach and Halo 4. I've watched and own the Halo Movies and Anime. I've got a "Remember Reach" poster on my wall and a tattoo that reads "John-117" right next to my "N7" (Cause lets face it, Shepard and the Chief would be best friends if they ever got to actually meet).
I'm a Spartan, first and foremost. I got Destiny BECAUSE I'm a Spartan.
I became a Bungie fan BECAUSE of Halo and I supported their mission to conquer the world because of it. I got choked up when I heard they were no longer going to be working on the series, but when they first announced the development of Destiny? Yeah, no doubt, I was onboard. They had made me a diehard fan, and I was willing to follow them without question. I helped sell their game, I got them pre-orders like nobodies business where I worked, scoring at least 10-20 pre-orders damn near every day, myself included. I played the Beta. I was there for the Midnight Release and I played Destiny non-stop.
Now, you might be wondering, if I'm talking so highly of Bungie and their creation, why so much negative feedback?
You need to recognize that its not senseless hate. NO ONE who "complains" on this forum actually hates the game. Quite the opposite. I will bet dollars to doughnuts that everyone on here who you would call a "whiner" is a serious hardcore fan. In fact, we're probably way more hardcore and attached to Destiny than those who take offense to us talking badly about it.
In truth, the REAL fans here know the Halo series.
Look to your left. Now to your right. The Guardians you see around you are actually Spartans who have their armor in a locker at the Tower. You might think I'm kidding, but you would probably be surprised just how many of us there are.
We know what Bungie is capable of doing. We have experienced it for ourselves. Would you believe that Halo 3 had a budget of roughly $60 million? That's including their marketing costs. Destiny meanwhile had $500 million. There is no excuse for everything that has happened with this game.
We Spartans look at Destiny and see the potential of what once was, and what it could STILL be. We are on here, taking the time out of our days to make these feedback threads/posts in the hopes that maybe something constructive will come out of it.
We all know Bungie can create greatness. We've seen it first hand. The fact that they think "Destiny" in its current state is acceptable is just mind blowing for most of us.
The Spartans look at the base game and say "where's the meat?"
The Spartans look at Dark Below and just shake their heads, wondering why in the hell they had to pay $20 to play content that was originally apart of their $60 purchase when it was clear to everyone how shoddy the vanilla version was.
The Spartans look at House of Wolves and flash a smile, but its very short lived because we're still wondering why in the hell we're paying so much god damn money for an obvious incomplete game.
The Spartans look at The Taken King and gawk at the ridiculous price of $40 when we've already paid that much for "DLC" which should have been given to all of us for free from the very start, like it is now for "new players" looking to get into the franchise with the release of TTK. New players pay your standard $60 purchase for the game that WE Day 1 Players should have received from the start.
The Spartans look at the "Veteran" Shaders, Emblem and Sparrow that we'll get for having spent $140+ and we're just confused to all hell because we're thinking where is value to this? We already paid $40 worth of DLC crap, now they want more? And they give us so little to go along with it? How about some Veteran EXOTICS or LEGENDARY weapons or armor?
The Spartans look at the Sparrow and wonder why there is only ONE type of vehicle for players to buy and bring with them.
The Spartans look at their defeated enemies as they lay on the ground, dead, and wonder why they can't pick up the alien weapons just laying on the ground.
The Spartans look at the Crucible and wonder why its taken them up to TTK to finally put in a Capture the Flag mode.
The Spartans look at the 4-5 hours worth of story missions that consist almost entirely of Horde Mode encounters, next to no cinematics, a lack luster story where nothing is ever really explained, enemy drop ships hovering overhead that are impossible to destroy...and question whether or not Bungie actually made this game.
The Spartans look at all the Sony Exclusives and question if Bungie no longer cares about them, and yet they continue to try and support a company which doesn't try to go out of its way in the least to do anything for them that is special in the least.
The Spartans look at Destiny...and mourn the loss of the Bungie we thought we knew.
I welcome all Spartans who are willing that see this post to comment below.
Edit: Another thread of mine in which I get very critical and detailed about Destiny and all of its flaws:
MORE Halo Lore and a good example of just how deep the story is for the series.
And I thought I was the only one.
Respect fellow spartan awesome read........bumpedto-blam!-.......
I'm Commander Shepard and this is my favorite thread in the forums.
*gives a standing ovation*
Edited by OOODragonessOOO: 7/2/2015 5:43:59 PM[quote]You need to recognize that its not senseless hate. NO ONE who "complains" on this forum actually hates the game. Quite the opposite. I will bet dollars to doughnuts that everyone on here who you would call a "whiner" is a serious hardcore fan. In fact, we're probably way more hardcore and attached to Destiny than those who take offense to us talking badly about it.[/quote] right there we love it so much to give harsh criticism .let them know ,feel,our pain in the disappointment. where is our game that was promised ?this isnt it. [url][/url]
Hell yea, spartans in here boy!
Did anyone get the chills watching that vid? Idk why I did
Bravo! Nice job! Also a huge Halo fan and is the reason for the Destiny purchase! It's way to easy to get caught up in the negativity on the forums especially after "The problems" experienced while playing destiny. It sucks you in. I hope Bungie is reading this post. Lots of potential customers lost.
I picked up destiny because my sons and I loved halo. But none of us felt Destiny even remotely worth it. With the saturation of quality shooters what it is, as well as that of solid 1-player experiences across all genre's, Destiny just doesnt cut it. Plants vs Zombies: Garden Warfare offers more.
Bungie you better give this guy an explanation.
My Spartan is with you #mastercheif collection
My Family of Spartans are with you..
The Spartans look at the few people still playing this game and wonder why... Halo 5 will be here in a few months, goodbye destiny no more money from me.
Yes Sir. Bungie sold us out plan and simple. I tried to stick with it but there is no hope sadly. I'm not buying anymore of this garbage, and if you want bungie to go back to there old ways. I'd suggest you do the same Spartans.
Salute Spartan!
#Bungie Respond to this show us you care give a us a response we want to hear your our family so don't generate some shitty message give us a heartfelt apology
Edited by TheLordCypher: 7/3/2015 10:45:22 AMThat was a well written thread. I never played the Halo series but was excited to hear about destiny and based on bungie's reputation with that series I bought Destiny. Let's just say I am very disappointed. I find destiny to be a great game if you don't consider its many flaws and the way that bungie has treated it's day one players. After my experience with bungie I don't think I will be purchasing any more games from them.
That was so beautiful I cried a little. Cheers.
I to am a spartan and have often wondered the same things as this post is by far one of the best yet I totally agree and support you it was like when Reach was released for some halo fans it was to different for some to accept and for me it was my favourite as was ODST yet along came halo 4 and most felt the series had fallen off the rails but I liked it as a series has to move forward with the times or be left behind in the dust of a bookshelf so when Halo MCC was released I got it and never looked back same with destiny it has it flaws but it's a game in progress like the original halo game that evolved over time bungie can't give all away yet or they will be no surprises down the line
Hell yea man! Well said. I've been a Spartan about as long as you have. My stats will verify. I'm not going to reiterate what you just said, I will say that because of recent transactions by Bungie, I'm thru with this game for a while. Now, some will say (the immature ones) go we won't miss you. I could care less whether they missed me or not. What I do care is that a company that I have adored and enjoyed for a decade and a half, has made some moves that were not in favor or loyalty towards their fanbase. No offense to those who have only played Destiny making this your first Bungie title, that makes you noobs. Nothing bad about it, yet it stresses a point as to why people that are so passionate about not just the game, but Bungie themselves, have been severely let down. Until they come down on the TTK price, I'm not buying it. It's not that I can't afford it. Would people buy a car(smartly) just by a 30 sec commercial? No they wouldn't. There are some in the community that are stoked by TTK and can't wait to play it. As a fair warning, we felt the same way after watching Destiny trailers over a year ago. And now, here we are. I refuse to pay for an expansion in which their home game is the same cost in most stores. For those who don't know, you can get Destiny for $39.99 at Walmart. There are popular games out now, naming Witcher off hand, that has 30 hours worth of content as an expansion for 24.99. Can we really say that TTK has that much content? No we can't. And playing across on multiple players doesn't count. Besides, Bungie continues to be hush hush on their surprises they have for the community. The great things they have in store for us. I'm sorry, but the time for surprises is over. Give us great reasons to stay, not great speculations for which to cling.
I'm actually pretty angry. I just had a thread saged. All I suggested them to start dropping all the old legendary armor and weapons again. You can upgrade all of the old stuff now. So what would that hurt? Like 10 minutes ago and now it has already fallen off to the back pages. (I can't even find it.) what a bunch of jerks.
Amen brother amen