What's your biggest beef with Skolas? I remember having this pressing need to do Crota every single week without fail, and have a full set of raid weapons and armor for 2 characters, it's not an issue of difficulty.
I don't do this with PoE and actually have not completed Skolas yet. Why? [b]For me it's mostly the checkpoint[/b], I just don't have that kind of time to play most nights; add in the fact that the rewards are really not any more attractive than doing the level 34 in [u]much[/u] less time and using that etheric light to ascend an older raid weapon that's basically better in every way.
Edit: On further thought maybe it's 60/40 the lackluster rewards and not the checkpoint that discourages me, though they are really the same thing in a way: if I could pick it up again the next day at a checkpoint, the effort is less onerous. I'd like to see a single checkpoint right before Skolas (non-sharable) to save a lot of frustration from network issues or time constraints. It's far less demoralizing to say "OK, gotta, go, let's pick this up tomorrow", than "Well I just completely wasted my night."
Edit 2: For all you MLG ballers who solo it in an hour, more power to you but the site won't allow me to add another option now. Suffice it to say that this topic is not really intended for your particular demographic, which is suspect is the minority of Destiny players.
Edit 3: If your answer is "I do it every week, git gud," then please choose which option you think would make it more appealing than it already is. For your purposes, "too difficult" would equal "takes too long".
Time constraints
None of those, I have completes them easily, pre nerf and current, I just can't play that much anymore :(
It's not that it's too difficult but the lightswitch is kicking my ass lol
For me, I have everything (all 3 exotics) and the primaries I wanted, and a ton of etherics and everything upgraded. Not fun enough to do it anymore, crucible is more entertaining imo
it sucks dick
There's not really a point in beating him anymore
Those rewards are utter shit. Still haven't gotten an elemental primary after suffering through hours of complete bs.
Where's the "Not a Gjallarhorn wielding 34 like the lfg groups are asking for" option?
Edited by RGcubed11: 6/29/2015 8:35:41 PMWaste of time without burns
Just don't feel like it and ESO
Because it's terrible game design (made worse by the lack of checkpoints).
In the battle of Skolas versus going to bed, going to bed has always won. Bungie needs to add checkpoints. Yes, this would mean 3 Guardians would share their checkpoints with friends and Guardians would defeat Skolas without having defeating the prior 5 rounds. This is okay because the prior 5 rounds are a boring waste of time. (Then again, the Skolas fight seems like a boring waste of time.)
I try it once a week. The rewards don't match the effort. In fact, the rewards are pretty bad.
The fact that I don't have the time or energy to even want to attempt it anymore. Nobody likes playing for an hour and 4 rounds of your life and then realizing that one of your LFG team members has been concealing a mental handicap for the last hour and you're actually doomed. And god forbid I get to the final boss and can't beat it because I spent 4 hours playing the same game and have "IRL" matters pop up that I have to tend to.
Been saying for a long time risk vs. reward was way out of whack for Destiny.
Beyond everything that's been mentioned, it's also really lame and monotonous that rounds 1-4 of the 35 Poe are exactly the same every single week.
I no longer need to. I don't appreciate devs deciding how I should do something once its been released. I also don't like running in a circle for 20-30 minutes playing "relay" tag either. Takes 20 minutes to get to Skolas, then another 20 to defeat him.....nope!!!!!
My sleep is more important oh and work, feed the kids. Visiting my parents.
Other peoples schedules. I have killed him every week, but there has been a few times we had to quite before he died because people had to bail. Other times no one seems interested.
Lack of interest
No group.
I've only got one Elder Cipher left to get and none of the elemental drops appeal to me (even if the drop rate was any good) only seen one weapon drop and that was for me the week before the nerf-herders hit!
It was awesome the first week when you get to ship shader and emblem, after that though rewards are pretty mediocre. I really only do it to complete elder ciphers
Highest I've played is 32. I'll do whatever if I have 2 others to play with (rare, sadly). But after a run through, I'm good. I don't need to do it again for a while. Even lower level.
Edited by Hellekeen: 6/29/2015 7:20:04 PMnot worth the hassle.. did it several times before and after the patch.. simply not worth the time spend..
Never even tried the 34. Barely made it through 32 after an hour. Yuck.