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originally posted in: You're only a real veteran if...
6/28/2015 11:06:58 PM
I was here for the beta as well! So I guess you were right, I'm no vet; just a Founding Father! ;D Also, Queens rank 3 was easy to make if you were willing to grind The Guard, and only the Guard. It's really our (the players) fault that it never came back because everyone just kept complaining about the ascendant shard nerf on the gear. I guess Bungie decided it was best to make it exclusive... It makes sense when you think about it: People used the event for ascendants, so Bungie nerfed the ascendants. It was like a subtle hint really; DON'T SHARD THIS GEAR, it's a one time only event! Whether they had that in mind at the time or not, I cannot say, but it worked out. Queen's Guard gear is the REAL Year 1 reward for vets if you ask me...

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