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6/28/2015 7:38:47 AM
See, you say TTK isn't worth $40 like it's a fact. You say TDB & HoW weren't worth $35 like it's a fact. It's not a fact, it's your opinion, and frankly, that $35 was some of the best I've spent

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  • Edited by Perodic: 7/13/2015 5:26:18 AM
    Only reason I am replying to your opinion is because there are better things out there to purchase with $35. I am trying to lookout for you by helping you not to waste your time. It's hard for someone to imagine what gourmet food tastes like when they have only ever eating garbage their whole life. Garbage tastes good, until your eyes(tastebuds) are opened to a whole new world. That's the problem with opinions. They can be misinformed. If you don't want to try new and better things, all the power to you, but as a gamer to another fellow gamer, I can give you a list over 100 games that are $35 and less that offer a better experience than destiny. I encourage you to sever yourself from this game like I did and check out any other highly regarded game. Guild Wars 2 only costs $60 and it has infinitely more amounts of content, replay ability, and fun experience than destiny or any expansions that come out over the next 5 years ever will, just to name one game.

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  • Wow. You are seriously trying to tell someone else their opinion isn't as valid as yours, because they say they got their money's worth from destiny? You don't think its worth the money, cool. Move on. Don't try to say someone else is wrong because they are happy with it.

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  • If it's my opinion someone is about to eat garbage, I will tell them they are eating garbage and why I think it's garbage. It's their choice to say, "no, I like garbage." Or "you're right! There are better things out there." I can share my opinion as much as I like. It's his or her choice to accept it or not.

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  • Edited by TheOxymoron431: 7/13/2015 3:21:46 PM
    And that's the problem, you arrogantly go around like your opinion is fact and correct. It's not correct, no opinion about like and dislike is correct. It's impossible, but you have the arrogance to go around trying to tell them they're wrong for enjoying something they can't be wrong for enjoying. Edit: it should be noted that I thought you were some other guy that I've been replying to, but I think my point still stands nonetheless. I see that you were focusing more on the "there's much better stuff out there point". That's also technically an opinion, although I wouldn't mind hearing the list just in case I can find something I own that I can compare it to

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  • I'll break it up by genre: MMOs: Guild Wars, NeverWinter, runescape, World of Warcraft Gear grinders: Diablo 1+2+3, Path of Exile, borderlands 1+ 2+pre-sequel, torchlight 1+2, Baldur's Gate: Dark alliance 1+2, Champions of Norrath RPGs: Final Fantasy 1-14+ most of their spinoff games, any of the "Tales of" series, Kingdom Hearts series, Chrono trigger, Chrono Cross, dark souls 1+2, bloodbourne, secret of mana, Fire Emblem series, any Pokemon game, witcher series, fable(not series) Mass Effect series, dragon age series. Anything from Bethesda. FPS: goldeneye, perfect dark, halo series, planetside 2, doom 1-3, Quake series, Duke Nukem, Fighting games: marvel vs. capcom 1-3, street fighter series, smash brothers series, mortal kombat series, smash brothers series, soul caliber series, guilty gear series, blaz blu series, Adventure: banjo kazooie+ tooie, jetforce Gemini, Zelda series, jack and daxter series, ratchet and clank series, I still have 100s more if you really want me to add more to it, however, you don't have to dig deep in the gaming world to find a game better than destiny. I understand you believe opinion is subjective. I believe there are tiers of video games which capitalize on social constructions to enhance the experience. I guarantee you will like one of the games in this list significantly more than Destiny.

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  • Alright, I see pokemon, fire emblem, mass effect, smash bros, and halo. That's a good group, I've enjoyed all of them, a lot. However, I've spent more time in one game of destiny than I have in any single game from any of these series. Pokemon the entire series probably beats it. Halo as a series might rival it, but I've still spent way more time in destiny than these games. Granted, this is still my opinion and naturally opinions determine how long you play in most cases, but I think destiny is a great game. Obviously different, but great.

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  • Time spent does not equal quality of experience. It might take you an hour to eat 10 bags of Doritos vs. 20 minutes on a gourmet meal. Which was the better experience? I am not downplaying your love for the game because your time played testifies to that. Destiny does a good job at being everything without excelling at anything. That is my problem with it though. Other games offer superior experiences.

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  • But that's a matter of opinion. Tell you what, I'll keep playing the game, you'll keep playing the game. I'll keep enjoying it, I can't speak for you. This game was worth the value to me, I'm not sure about you. My original reply to OP was how he said that it wasn't worth the money like it was a fact and that's not a fact, it's an opinion. How we got into a discussion of how games do things do better than destiny, idk

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  • Then you've spent $35 on some very crappy things.

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  • I spent 35 bucks on your mom. Great deal imo

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  • For $35 she would clean your house and make you a dinner you would never believe. Definitely better spent than the DLC

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  • When your moms a maid and money is short I guess every dollar counts. Thank god I'm not poor.

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  • I've been wondering, at what point did people on here begin believing their opinion is fact? Whether I agree with you around the value of the DLC's up to now or not, I realize that value is subjective and each person will feel differently. While there are people out there that don't feel like the game so far has been worth the $95 roughly that was spent, there are just as many (if not more honestly) that feel like it was worth every penny. This is what it's come to on the forums though, if you have a different opinion than someone that hates the game you are obviously a fanboy or a sheep......

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  • Yeah some things are less ambiguous and this game I can say without a shadow of a doubt that launch Destiny was horrible, we shouldn't even be talking about the shitty DLC's either, the Vanilla Destiny was FULL PRICE and had no sizeable content or story, never got bored of a game so fast in my life. There is a damn good reason why almost every single non biased game news website or youtube channel is slamming Destiny, it's a game of many promised/implied things which just straight up were never delivered. You don't see, say...TW3 being slammed by all these places - why? because they made a good game! If I knew how Destiny would go down I would have maybe bought it this year in the bundle version...and after all the's still a maybe in that scenario.

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  • After you saying that the DLCs were worth the money I laughed soooo hard. Not surprised that you have moron in your name

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  • I think you're too dim for me to waste my time on, I won't even try

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  • "Too dim" this is coming from the person who thinks the DLCs were worth the money lol. Maybe next time you could slightly insult someone

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  • Reasons why you are a waste of my time: 1. You attack someone with an opinion different than yours. 2. You either don't know the meaning of an oxymoron or you just purposefully being wrong in your statements. 3. Anybody who springs for the "moron" insult is only looking to insult other people, probably to make themselves feel better.

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  • "Too dim to waste my time on" and you respond with a list of I don't even know lol. How am I the one wasting your time if you just made a list about me. I wouldn't expect anything better though from a person who thinks the DLCs were worth the money

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  • And with that you just proved all 3 reasons, muted

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  • You didn't mute shit.

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  • Geez, that was a long response time

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  • Yep I stopped playing Destiny all together because I bought a new game to play in my free time so I forgot about the taken cash...I mean king.

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  • Edited by TheOxymoron431: 7/13/2015 2:53:18 AM
    Like I said, value is all a matter of opinion

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  • Except when the vast majority of people who's jobs it is to review games say that the game is extremely average if not bad for various reasons all relating to either a lack of content or money grabbing... the game has so many children playing it who don't work who don't know the meaning of value let alone the dollar! Mummy and daddy buy them things to shut them up so they are complacent with whatever game they are playing even if it's shit, it's not their fault they are just young and don't know any better. Not a single one of my mates think TTK is priced appropriately or think destiny is that great even though they have been playing it. "It's about value, the players perception of value" You're one of the people who think $20 for shaders and class items is good 'value' too I bet.

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