It has come to my attention after playing the trials as a level 31 that Bungie forces underleveled people to go against all lv34 teams. I have a few suggestions to make sure that everyone has a shot at being at least 2 wins at the Trials.
1)Force matchmaking to have teams at same levels.
2)Ban exotics from trials
3)Make the Osiris Trial passage try once/week/character/account up to 3 characters.
4)If Iron Banner event goes live, block Trials out until Iron Banner is over.
5)Randomize the maps instead of having the one map each week.
A Patrolling Guardian
See you, Space Cowboy. - old
You do realize the Trials of Osiris operates similarly to the Iron Banner, where it behooves you and your team to be max level with fully upgraded gear, right? Bungie doesn't force you to go in've done that to yourself. Work on getting your gear prepped, getting your communication on point, and learning the maps most advantageous spots... Then you'll be ready to encounter the real challenge of the ToO...avoiding the cheaters for 9 consecutive games.