It has come to my attention after playing the trials as a level 31 that Bungie forces underleveled people to go against all lv34 teams. I have a few suggestions to make sure that everyone has a shot at being at least 2 wins at the Trials.
1)Force matchmaking to have teams at same levels.
2)Ban exotics from trials
3)Make the Osiris Trial passage try once/week/character/account up to 3 characters.
4)If Iron Banner event goes live, block Trials out until Iron Banner is over.
5)Randomize the maps instead of having the one map each week.
Lol take away all the exotics you want, you'll still get destroyed.
Losing three in a row, will allow you to access the lighthouse. Winning nine in a row, will allow you to open the chest in the lighthouse. What a burn eh
Remove all boons, 2 losses and your out, 15 wins gets you the lighthouse. Must have atleast 3100 grimoire to enter. There ;) trials will be enjoyable ;) GG Noobs!
Yeah no fack you
Wtf did i just read
Stupidest shite I've ever read in my life
Your level is not important. The mode is really only viable for the top 10% of crucible players, unless your up there your just cannon fodder. I understand your frustration, im a casual player who is average at pvp (1.4kd) and since the first week did ok but now with the lag switching and get 9-0 teams constanly i have held up my hands and surrendered. Its a hardcore only mode, you just have to except it because bungie aint going to change the matchmaking.
Edited by The Elike: 6/27/2015 5:58:50 AMTrials is fine as it is. Everyone is using the same guns so it's more about strategy, teamwork, and gun skill. Also never go with a level based matchmaking because 34's would just throw on weaker gear then swap back before the match starts. Lastly keeping it on the same map allows players to learn the map and adapt new strategies for different opponents.
You, my friend, are retarded. Its the crucible peoples end game. So it 1: makes sense for level advantages, sense its an end game thing 2: makes sense to allow exotics, sense you need to give it your all, and er go, use all you got 3: makes sense to have 1 map, so that the crucible people can go play more crucible to learn the map to a dot, and force you to learn a tactic 4: not ban it during IB, as its an end game activity. Its scheduled for that specific time frame and some devotes of osiris will revolve their weekend schedule around it Im sorry you simple dont understand what ToO stand for P.S. I am NOT a crucible devote and is trying to defend home turf, im just speaking for the people who are
I would disable level advantages solely on the potential hilarity of killing a level 34 thorn/felwinter main as a level 20 with a Khovstov
Disagree will all of the ideas. Especially with #1 idea, it could be taken advantage of just by changing armors and become a lower level and change back to 34. R u retarded?
I REALY like the no exotics part of this BUMP
I think I smell a troll... [spoiler]Nope, just pooped myself. [/spoiler]
I love your ideas!!!! not
Lol, how about you put in the time like everyone else and get to level 34. "I have a life, so I cant'" well you should be slowly progressing up to 34 and once you do.....then compete in the trials. Bungie is not going to cater to one specific person like you because of your level.
How about not going into trials as a 31?
Phew, good thing you don't work at Bungie.
Just stop and re-evaluate your life.
This is some of the stupidest ideas ever. Don't suck and get better armor and weapons.
It's fine the way it is, except for the reconnecting issues. No fix needed.
Where is the #satire hashtag? I can't find it bro
Trials with Matchmaking is simply another Iron Banner. And there is no excuse to take too long to reach level 33 at least.
A Patrolling Guardian
See you, Space Cowboy. - old
You do realize the Trials of Osiris operates similarly to the Iron Banner, where it behooves you and your team to be max level with fully upgraded gear, right? Bungie doesn't force you to go in've done that to yourself. Work on getting your gear prepped, getting your communication on point, and learning the maps most advantageous spots... Then you'll be ready to encounter the real challenge of the ToO...avoiding the cheaters for 9 consecutive games. -
Edited by Gjallarhorn: 6/26/2015 10:30:49 PMHow about leveling up properly and then participating. *Mind. Blown.*
Or you know.... become lvl34 it really isn't hard
More fair***