Never mentioned she was a prick at times? That her pride outweighed the cudgel I carry?
How about how that MIRV was the reason this place is still a shallow crater? Or how he was the one who killed Cobalt?
I know this because I heard it from the source.
Edited by Trashcan Jesus: 6/26/2015 2:29:22 AMNothing you've told me is new. I've known. That Pip-Boy of his kept audio logs, and I managed to get my hands on them. I've listened to the conversations. Wilson was as bad as she was, in for blood and nothing else. Seemed to have a grudge with her, and Bellicose's attitude speaks for itself. He wanted to watch it burn. She wanted to watch it burn. The Ignus and the rest wanted control, wanted power...
And you never figured that they'd actually get along, eh? Would've made a cute couple...
Oh that was the first thing to come to mind. But then I remembered a little something from elementary school. Like charges repel.
[b]He chuckles.[/b] That they do, that they do. I'm still here though. The three of us are... I'm sure you've heard the legends and tales, right?
From Felix, yeah. Other than that, not much else. I assume you've heard of us as well, then?
Dante probably told us, but I don't make judgements until I meet them face to face. Rumors are often the most inaccurate, but instill the most fear.
Fear is a concept forged by the individual's mind. Fear can be amplified or nullified simply by a person's willpower. If they let it scare them, it will, if they don't, it won't.
Depends on whether that fear is accurate. You can make a fearless man cry if you traumatize him, but in the end, all that matters is that you win and he loses.
Then the fear of my presence must be well-founded. Of course, my subordinates have work to do...