Ok, so let me get this straight. Bungie has seen the error of its ways and decided to make this up to us by charging veterans an additional $20 (beyond the $40 upgrade) for content the new players get for free?!
That doesn't seem like a good deal to me. I'm stunned. Somebody tell me they didn't just do that.
They just told us "I'm sorry for joking about over charging you. Now get out your wallets! The free stuff is for sale!"
Someone please show me I'm wrong. I really want to be wrong about this.
Ok, the nerd rage over my FREE statement needs to be addressed. I am using the word FREE as in “free shipping” I understand Milton Friedman and the laws of thermodynamics. That is not what I’m talking about. Yes, I know FREE SHIPPING isn’t free for the seller but it is provided at no additional charge beyond the MSRP to a consumer to entice them into making a highly profitable purchase. The reason I claim the digital content as FREE is because I know the physical parts of the $80 package cost money and involve a ton more man hours.
Let’s pretend a designer making $50 per hour spent a full week building these cosmetic additions. That’s about $2500 in salary and let’s not worry about the electricity the computer consumed since it probably would have been on anyway. If 1 out of every 20 players that bought the base game about a year ago buys this package that comes out to $00.0025 cost per download to sell at cost. Does anyone seriously not see that as FREE? Does anyone seriously not see that as aggressive markup if we are being told that is worth $20? Ok, let’s be fair and add in bandwidth and say $00.005 as the cost per million sold. Now same question.
[i][b]UPDATE 2:[/b][/i]
So I’ve devised a plan to kill off all the internet Rage Queens and here it goes. Get an 18 wheeler and fill the trailer with half-starved Grizzly bears. Attach a wireless hotspot to it (to attract the nerds) and paint a sign on the side that says “become FREE LUNCH for a hungry bear!!!”. Nerd Raging assholes will kick that door down just to tell the “retard” inside that there is no such thing as a FREE LUNCH. Problem -blam!-ing solved!
[b][u]UPDATE: [/u][/b]
Mad H0use just won the internet with a very reasonable post on the pricing subject.
Great post I want to share. I don't really agree but the writer is very articulate and friendly.
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