[u]Note: this thread seems to have been suppressed to prevent you from seeing it and posting. Bungie is definitely in damage control mode.[/u]
Ok, given the recent issues of pricing, exclusive weapons for everyone except veterans, and this classless Luke guy in the interview, who is ready to throw their money at the screen. Without attacking other people directly give your vote and state your reason.
[url=http://www.eurogamer.net/articles/2015-06-22-destiny-the-taken-king-director-defends-40-expansion-price-tag]Interview link[/url]
[b][u]Selected user opinions[/u][/b]
[b]War Priest[/b]
I'm gonna throw my money at strippers
I know they pretend to like me and take my money, but at least they are nice to me while fleecing me ;-)
the internet is no place for mercy guardions
The internet is so damn sensitive sometimes.
I already preordered the collectors edition
If my guy wasnt such a bad dancer I could of resisted. But white men never could dance.
[b]Majestic 825[/b] gives us a link to follow up comments from Deej
Hat tip to [b]Mookmook213[/b] for this article on the fallout.
[b]Luke "asshat" Smith apology[/b]
Ok, so let me get this straight. Bungie has seen the error of its ways and decided to make this up to us by charging veterans an additional $20 (beyond the $40 upgrade) for content the new players get for free?! That doesn't seem like a good deal to me. I'm stunned. Somebody tell me they did just do that. They just told us "I'm sorry for joking about over charging you. Now get out your wallets! The free stuff is for sale!"
To be fair he did apologize
Why isn't it working
I would throw money at more vault space
Is it just me or is Luke Smith basically the human version of Master Shake?
I am going to assume that this is probably a good look at the general population right now. I am also going to assume that ALL the people who voted MAYBE will buy the DLC, and thats being generous. If we assume that, than we get the following numbers. A Whopping 73% of the population does not want this DLC for various reasons. 27% of us will buy it. What if we assume 75% of the MAYBES will buy the game, this is more realistic. We then get 76% of the population who will not buy it, vs the 24% who will. Destiny can't survive on those numbers. TLDR; This DLC will destroy destiny if this continues. roughly 75% of the population does not want this DLC for various reasons. Math above.
Throw money at the screen? HELL NO! Bury Luke Smith neck high in his own feces and throw rock at him? Yeah I'd be down for that! I hated House of Wolves content and had already been trying to quit (Clan kept pulling me back) thanks to the fact that this content wasn't fun AND bungie was unresponsive to legitimate community issues/concerns with the new content (and might I also add in rude customer service!) The Luke Smith interview only seals the deal and ensures that I will not be back on destiny. The bright side is that if enough of us start spreading the word and refusing to play, BungieVision may go bankrupt and have to sell the rights to the game to a developer who actually gives 2 Shiites about its customers.
Where is the "Luke Smith is fgt" option.
Edited by Northern: 6/24/2015 8:03:51 PMI think we might have hit a critical point in Destiny's lifespan. The player base feels like it's at an all time low with many of whats left of the player base questioning whether to continue.
If no one buys it then there gonna have to make changes
I'm not buying the [i]The Taken King[/i] as it stands. I was weary before "The Interview" simply because of the developers themselves. The lack of patches, policing, and even acknowledgement of ongoing issues in game made me not want to buy into year two. Luke Smith slammed it home for me, I don't want to reinvest in the franchise. I uninstalled because I don't see a meaningful patch coming and my suspicions about developer attitude were all but confirmed by said interview.
Guess I'll answer "Maybe" for now and let you know what I think by the end of Thursday and its Weekly Update. Trying not to hold my breath.
Yea, I'm officially done with Destiny and Bungie after reading all this. No TTK for me, and tho it's "just one person, they won't miss me" it's not about the money with me. It's about respect, and they think disrespecting our intelligence on what we pay for is the right thing to do. Oh well, it was fun while it lasted.
I throw money at my screen all the time... Tg no one is there to pick it but me
I love how he condescends to us like we're a bunch of sheep. Hell no, not with him in the credits. Or maybe I'll just wait for the second big expansion and buy ALL of the available content for the price of the base game. Since apparently we do that now.
I actually am taking a break...starting watching Ascension on Netflix....damn is this good.......I was really surprised.
Please like and share this Video, trust me!
Make it rain!
Edited by The Dude: 6/24/2015 3:15:34 PMMO MONEY OMG...I think I just busted a kidney. LMAO!!!
Anyone selling a new TV for cheap, well my old one is .... Damaged. I guess I was expecting a different outcome when I wake throwing money (coins) at it.
Gone to Tamerial, never coming back again.
You forgot to put in "if I had money"
Also. A look back. This was released not long after launch.