TYPE: Sensor Data from armed frame.
DESCRIPTION: Conversation.
PARTIES: Three [3]. Two [2] unidentified guardians [u.1, u.2], One [1] Identified Awoken [Petra Venj].
LOCATION: Vestian Outpost (5560 Amytis)
[Event]: New presence detected:= 2
Type: [i]guardian:=[/i] 2
Total [i]guardian[/i] detected:= 2
Threat; [i]increased by:=[/i] 2 units
Threat level; [i]unchanged:=[/i] 10
Action; [i]none[/i]
[Conditional override]: [i]approved[/i]
[b]var[/b] [i]guardian[/i]; exceeds threshold
[Redefine]: [b]var[/b] [i]none:= monitor[/i]
[Conditional override]: [i]complete[/i]
[Event]: monitor
[u.1:0.1] c'mon it's only fair that you teach me how you do it.
[u.2:0.1] I don't see why I should.
[u.1:0.2] are you kidding me? We taught you how to blink. It's only fair that you teach us how to go invisible.
[u.2:0.2] Why does every warlock insist on that being true. I learned it from....
[u.1:0.3] just stop. I read that Hunter handbook: Aphorisms To Anger Warlocks. I've never read such heresy in my life.
[Event]: Search query
String:= [i]aphorisms, anger, warlocks, hunter[/i]
Type:= [i]media; written; handbook[/i]
Results:= 128
Relevant:= 1
Action; [i]save to local temp library[/i]
End: [Event]
[u.2:0.3] [sigh] it's going to take too long.
[u.1:0.4] for a hunter. I'm a warlock. I'll have this mastered in a day.
[u.2:0.5] okay. [increase in heart rate recorded. Value; [i]increase:= [/i]20 bpm
Threat; [i]increased by:= [/i]1 units
Threat level; [i]unchanged:=[/i] 10
Action; [i]none[/i]
[u.2:0.6] here take this.
[Event]: Weapons detected:= 1
Type: [i]sniper rifle[/i]
No munitions detected
Threat; [i]increased by:=[/i] 10 units
Threat level; [i]increased[/i]:= 9
[Conditional override]: [i]approved[/i]
[b]var[/b] [i]weapons:=[/i] true
[Redefine]: [b]var[/b] [i]increased:= [/i]6
[Conditional override]: [i]complete[/i]
Action; [i]adjust posture, vocalize, image capture of contraband[/i]
Update; [i]posture:= stern[/i]
Vocal output:= "Attention guardians. Firearms are prohibited contraband. Compliance will be appreciated."
Upload [i]image[/i] to server: 126.9.08
End: [Event]
[u.2:0.7] it's okay. It's not even chambered.
[u.1:0.5] why are you making me hold this? It's freaking out the robot.
[u.2:0.8] I'm trying to make room in my vault and I'm tired of holding it. Now the first step you have to do is squat.
[u.1:0.6] squat?
[u.2:0.9] yes
[u.1:0.7] it's not working.
[u.2:1.0] that because you didn't squat properly. Get up and do it again.
[u.1 continues to [i]squat[/i] four [4] times]
[u.2:1.1] hmm maybe if I charge you with some arc light. That way you can experience how it's supposed to feel.
[u.1:0.8] that's actually a smart idea. Coming from you, I'm surprised.
[u.2:1.2] [increase in heart rate recorded. Value; [i]increase:=[/i] 10 bpm]
[u.2:1.3] Squat [u.2 touches sniper rile]
[u.1 presence lost]
[u.1:0.9] there we go. I told you I could do it.
[u.1 presence reestablished]
[u.2:1.4] pssh. Beginners luck. I wanna see you do it again without my help.
[u.1:1.0] sure. Watch.
[u.1 presence lost]
[u.1 presence reestablished]
[u.1:1.1] I keep telling you: us warlocks can do anything. Now watch me sneak up to Petra and woo her with my sly moves. I'll come back with her number this time.
[u.2:1.5] whatever. Just remember that you have limited time while invisible so activate it as close as possible to her.
[u.1:1.2] won't she hear me go invisible.
[u.2:1.6] your joking right? You're a warlock and you don't even know that the "sound" is caused by interactions between our light and armour. Only people that are able to wield light can hear it. That's why the minions of darkness don't notice us while other guardians can hear and vaguely see us.
[u.1:1.3] I...I totally knew that. I just thought that Petra, being exposed to so much of our light, may have gotten more sensitive to it.
[u.2:1.7] [blank stare] just give me back my damn sniper rifle and do your business.
[Event]: Search query return
Received from server: 126.9.08
String:= [b]null;[/b] [file upload]
Type:= [i]firearm; special; sniper rifle[/i]
Results:= 56
Relevant:= 1
File download: 'SNPR_Patience-and-Time.lib' ...complete
Action; [i]save to local temp library[/i]
End: [Event]
[u.1 approaches [i]Petra[/i] from behind]
[u.1 squats] [no change]
[u.1 squats] [no change]
[u.1 squats] [no change]
[u.1 increase in heart rate recorded. Value increase:= 20 bpm]
Threat; [i]increased by:= [/i]1 units
Threat level; [i]unchanged[/i]:= 6
Action; [i]none[/i]
[u.1 squats aggressively and rapidly]
Threat; [i]increased by:=[/i] 8 units
Threat level; [i]unchanged[/i]:= 6
Action; [i]none[/i]
[u.1 increase in heart rate recorded. Value [i]increase:= [/i]20 bpm]
Threat; [i]increased by:= [/i]1 units
Threat level; [i]increased:=[/i] 5
Action; [i]notify: Petra, adjust posture[/i]
Update; [i]posture:= armed[/i]
[Petra:0.1] [turns to u.1] WHAT ARE YOU DOING? [increase in heart rate recorded. Value [i]increase:= [/i]20 bpm]
[u.1 continues to furiously squat]
[u.1 stops, looks up]
[u.2:1.8] I think he's 'tea bagging' you.
[Petra:0.2] what does that mean?
[Awoken guard whispers into [i]Petra's[/i] ear]
[u.1:1.4] wait! No...I....
[Petra:0.3] He does what with his....WHAT!? [unholsters sidearm] [increase in heart rate recorded. Value [i]increase:=[/i] 40 bpm]
[audible cracks, rustling, frantic noises]
[u.1:1.5] No!
[u.1:1.6] Wait!
Threat; [i]increased by:= [/i]max threshold
Threat level; [i]increased:=[/i] 1
Action; [i]activate distress beacon, alert all oth[/i]$@* 1001111011111
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