He's cheating on Omnigul with Eris. How else did she get those eyes?
Hey isn't Eris my chick and ominigul his chick? You know I defeated her strike team
Omnigul has a crush on Crota and wants his favor, Yesssssss? Crota loves Eris and wants to be united with her. However, when Eris saw Omnigul kiss Crota, after receiving his gift of her new eyes due to her night blindness, she wanted nothing more to do with him. Or did she? Out of Eris's hatred and disgust, she placed the bounties on Omnigul and Crota and his minions. But secretly, she misses his evil embrace. To show proof, she had her 5 other team mates killed. How else was she able to survive, alone, for so long?
Oryx, is this true!
No he is a guardian he lies
They discovered our secret
Caught onto y'all pretty quickly. Every TDB mission I renamed, "Crota's Naked Love." Narrated by James Earl Jones and the theme song sung by Barry White.