PS4 pls feel free to add me PSN ID: llzzz
Dude I'll be running crota & VOG hard tonight if your keen PS4 add YUNG_Tru7hy all 34's
I got no mic n no gjallarhorn, n never play any raid before so not too sure what have to do in the raid. Will that be any prob?
Can you bump your hunter to 34? Grab the gauntlets I can run you through POE 32 if you need a core I'm farming bosses anyway bwe on in about an hour if your around
Is lvl 34 really a must to play raid?
At work atm, I can only play at night times abt 7-8 hrs later. Nah, my Hunter has only just reach lvl 33..... Can't go higher right now.... :'(
No mic with ps4? They come with one
Sorry I mean can't use mic cuz sharing room...