It's a 10 second cool down. It's not gonna affect anything but the swarm grenade.
Edited by Dizco Pat: 6/15/2015 11:37:23 PMHow about arcbolt grenade? It can kill 5 enemies within 2 seconds. I don't use YAS but I do have Ashes to Assets. My entire armour build is built around that perk. I have Lucky Raspberry, gloves with a perk that allows fast melee speed and grenade restore on melee hit. And blink strike fast twitch, full intellect half discipline half strength. All they had to fu[i][/i]cking do is make it not stack, and make it not activate on hit. That's it, no ridiculously long cool down.
Well, when you can fix the coding in a matter of days without screwing anything else up, come see me. And seriously? Armor builds? Do you even life bro?
How does not adding a cool down slow down the coding? Also, Because I took more than a minute to think of how I want armour to play, that means I have no life? Do you even game?
[quote]How does not adding a cool down slow down the coding?[/quote] It doesn't. Without the cool down, it would also still be broken. [quote]Also, Because I took more than a minute to think of how I want armour to play, that means I have no life?[/quote] Um, yeah. How much time did you waste to get [i]just[/i] the right build? It's completely pointless. [quote]Do you even game?[/quote] Yeah. A lot more than you ever have.
Edited by Dizco Pat: 6/16/2015 12:15:24 AM[quote] It doesn't. Without the cool down, it would also still be broken. [/quote] How? It is supposed to work on kill. If I can kill 5 people with one grenade I should be rewarded accordingly.. [quote]Um, yeah. How much time did you waste to get [i]just[/i] the right build? It's completely pointless. [/quote] Maybe 5 minutes. I saw my helmet had Ashes to Assets, decided to check vendors for grenade replenishing melee gloves, Found dead orbit, done. [quote] Yeah. A lot more than you ever have.[/quote] You game more and can't think of builds? I'm sorry for your loss. Edit: also. 1.2kd on your best and you're only at the top of your matches 4% of the time? Ha.
What a scrub. I could explain this, but clearly you lack the mental capacity to understand. Enjoy your 2 second shorter cool downs, and whatever pitiful amount of self worth you get from looking at KDs.
Edited by Dizco Pat: 6/16/2015 12:21:54 AM[quote]I have no idea how to back up my own arguments. I'm going to leave and act like I won because it makes me feel better inside. I have no idea why I said what I said at first but feel the need to defend it because I can't be wrong. -Redshirt4life [/quote]
Thank you for admitting that. Maybe if you use your brain more, you'll actually get basic concepts. Not really sure why you put my tag at the end though. I knew you were apologizing to me already.
Edited by Dizco Pat: 6/16/2015 12:28:37 AMI'm sorry, you've misunderstood. I was giving a summary of what you were actually saying in the post before. Posting it using the quotation feature that is used here on the forums to make it look like you said it, because in reality, that is what you said. I put your tag at the bottom because the dash name notation is common in most quotes. I added that in the end just in case you didn't get the first part, both seem to have failed though. Hopefully this wordy explanation that I was trying to avoid clears some things up.
Uh huh. Thanks for showing even more clearly that you're an utter moron. Muted.
Your idea on the cool down means nothing you don't get a grenade 10 seconds after using it.
Well, it's not my idea. It's in the patch notes genius.
You're a moron. You need to read it again.
[quote]'Ashes to Assets’ and ‘Quintessence Transfer’ can now no longer be stacked (they now have cool-downs that can only be used every 10 seconds)[/quote] Here you go Einstein.