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Edited by ComicKlutz: 6/15/2015 9:30:15 AM

Vault Space

Okay, its starting to get ridiculous now. We NEED more vault space, not only in weapons, but in the materials section as well. I am so happy you added 12 more vault spaces for weapons, but we, the community, the guardians, the consumers of your product, need the vault space amped up much higher. The weapons vault is way to small. I find myself having to break down perfectly good weapons as a matter of neccessity. I am also a collector of sorts in destiny and have decided to obtain each of the raid weapons and exotic weapons, and these are starting to take up vault space. The VoG has nine weapons (not including the Mythoclast): Vision of Confluence, Atheon's Epilogue, Praedyth's Timepiece, Fatebringer, Praetorian Foil, Praedyth's Revenge, Found Verdict, Corrective Measure, Hezen Vengeance. Crota also has its nine weapons (not including Necrochasm): Fang of Ir Yut, Abyss Defiant, Oversoul Edict, Light of the Abyss, Black Hammer, Sword Breaker, Song of Ir Yut, and Hunger of Crota. That's 18 weapons if you're not counting. (The current vault has 36 spaces for weapons.) The Exotics include 2 scout rifles, 3 hand cannons, 2 pulse rifles, 4 auto rifles, 3 sniper rifles, 4 shotguns, 4 fusion rifles, 1 Sidearm, 3 rocket launchers, 2 machine guns. That's 28 exotic weapons. Add the Raid Weapons for a grand total of 46 weapons to hold which is over the weapons capacity. We haven't included the new weapons from the PoE and the ToO if people are ever going to try to collect those guns. Also, not all of the elements are represented (void fusion rifle, arc rocket launcher, e.g.) meaning even more guns. I also want to point out there is no easy way to orginize the weapons at all, but we can leave that for another time. Onto the materials section. One thing I ask is that each planets materials stack to an even higher max. At one point I had 600 Spirit Blooms, over 300 spin metal, and over 400 helium filaments. All of my gear and weapons use relic iron so i have accumulated the other three while the Wolves were beginning to prowl. I was forced to discard 600 material to put the new materials into the vault such as the Tokens of Osiris, Etheric Light, and Treasure keys. I either need those to stack more, or bring the currency back for them. I enjoyed turning in 50 spirit blooms for some vanguard/crucible marks, and I do not want them going to waste when I discard them.

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