originally posted in:Halo Archive
[quote]The Halo 4: Essential Visual Guide states that his armour was fully updated by Cortana, and that it now resembles an earlier iteration of MKIV.
Frankie acknowledges the use of nanotech on his armour by Cortana.
Chief wears a "very fancy, very custom, very unique "Cortana special" armor".[/quote]This is all you need to know. Mmm, another thing worth noting, Halo 5 implies Mark VI Gen1 has limited nano-machine use for self repair.
Exactly. The guy I was debating was twisting it to make it sound as though nothing was changed other than its software, even though it specifically states that his armour resembles an earlier iteration of MKIV afterwards.
I just accept it as artistic interpretation. Like that was Chief's armor since the beginning of Halo 2.
The armour changes from 2 to 3 is just down to better hardware and better models
That's what I thought initially as well, however, it's canonical that his armor is what looked like in Halo 2 and 3.
I find it odd then that the armor is capable of completely changing in appearance but still doesn't take the time to mend that ugly scar across the chest.
[i]That[/i] is where the artistic licence comes in.