MW3 is worse than Ghosts or AW imho. I actually liked Blops2 but nothing beats MW2 imho and I have played them all.
I liked blops 2 but it isn't fun when all you have to do is run a SMG and drop shot people thereby winning 80% of your encounters. MW1 is my favorite, the guns were great, the maps were great, perks were a new thing, and matches just felt more intense to me. I like how MW2 expanded on perks and kill streaks, but I wasn't a huge fan of the new secondaries. I still have nightmares of getting killed and killing other people with dual 1887s from 30+ feet away, not to mention everyone and their brother using AA 12
He he I used to play with assault rifles though I did one weapon from each class on blops2 to max prestige. I liked COD4 but prefer MW2, dual Rangers were fun 1887's were cool too. Noob tubing was fun, scavenger used to replenish explosives as well, so OP =}