originally posted in:Kill the Varelse
Man your own Damn Jackhammer!
Kill the Varela assemble!
I've always wanted to say that but me and a few other clan mates are seriously interested in creating core groups with scheduled Raids, PoE, ToO, and anything else we can get in.
We would need to have a sign up sheet possibly in a specific format that would make it easy to coordinate groups based on availability (I. E. Region, timezone, preferred playing time, etc) I'm sure one of us can set this up.... I can if we don't already have a plan.
Hey guys I'd like to get some of our clan leaders input on this as well
Ok so what I'll do when I get off of work is devise a way to coordinate this by time zone and available classes etc etc
5am-6pm pacific anyday for me
8-10pm ctr weekdays, for me
Awesome, I'm in central time zone, available usually Monday through Friday 8 a.m. to 11 a.m. and all weekend I'm on and off.
Great idea! FWIW, Lv 34 warlock. I'm eastern time. on at various times after work 4P-11P depending on life. weekends vary wildly in the summer
I like this. A well coordinated team literally puts Destiny on Easy mode. I'd like to see scheduling. When folks are available. Maybe I'll make a post on that one and we can coordinate sign ups based on when one can play.
I am eastern time zone available most nights during the week after 6pm and weekends vary. I am usually up for anything.
I approve this message. This is why I like this clan. People [b]make themselves[/b] first and things fall into place.