You posted up a whole slew of statistics to justify the last major "weapons balancing" which saw auto rifles nerfed into the ground.
You stated that auto rifles were an overused weapon class and that pulse rifles were hardly touched by the majority of players.
Well it's been quite a while since that auto rifle nerf and there's been quite a few Iron Banners and Trials of Osiris events (not to mention Prison of Elders).
So why don't you post up the latest weapon usage statistics, so that we can all confirm what we know to be true.
Auto rifles are now a joke and have been relegated to the lowly position once occupied by pulse rifles - unused by the majority of the Destiny player base.
Come on Deej, don't be shy, post up the statistics so that we all know that hand cannons are King.
Primaries AR 1% PR 3% SR 2% HC 64930715183901816% Secondaries SR 5% FR-1% SG 4849572651839573627% [spoiler]obviously this post is a joke to make someone laugh but we all know the percentages are way out of proportion and the crucible and the vanguard are flooded with only corrupted hand cannons and petty shotguns[/spoiler]
You people forget that once something is nerfed in pvp it becomes nerfed in pve as well. Hand cannons by far do way more damage than scouts and pulses to enemies per bullet. Not gonna sit there and put 3 pulse rifle clips into 1 major that's completely retarded.
Instead of nerfing any guns keep all weapons the way they are that have received actual buffs (buffs without first receiving a nerf then buffed again to compensate for over-nerfing) and restore all guns ever nerfed to their original stats. This will balance the weapons and make crucible fun and provide different weapon choices for people and make for interesting encounters instead of just hand cannon and pulse rifles which crucible mainly is now.
and a pie chart of most kills with secondary weapons so according to destiny tracker yes cannons an shot guns over rule in crucible
Got an email and hawkmoon has been the most used this past month with 18.9% of all kills I'm just hoping this won't nerf it in pve, I love hawkmoon in pve and I need to get back to where I was with it in pvp
The Destiny Tracker site actually does this already. Looks like hand cannons get most kills, scout gets least. Next time just google "destiny statistics"
Edited by SigmoidTundra29: 7/13/2015 7:57:47 PMI first came into this game gawking at the words "hand cannon" (came in at week 1) I felt like a futuristic Rick Grimes using them, and it was awesome. Now, seeing how far they've come, I can't help but feel like Obi-Wan looking down on Anakin as he was turning into Vader. They've grown too powerful and easy-to-use. Tl;dr: HCs are powerful
Edited by OOODragonessOOO: 7/13/2015 7:56:50 PMkills by what type of weapon edited to pie chart instead
destiny tracker
Hand cannons are number 1. Pulse rifles are number 2. Scouts are number 3. AR's are number 4. Redit has a good stat board. Over 5000 games played an the most common weapons they came across.
Mmm can't wait for my Red Death and Mida to wreck face. And by that I mean be the thing you all complain about next. It will be delicious.
Another week, another pointless "fluffdate" from our deaf community manager (also known as the 'lesser spotted Deej'). Yet again no acknowledgement of the communities repeated posts about auto rifles needing to be buffed. We're still waiting for the latest weapon usage statistics.
Edited by Dexter307: 6/8/2015 4:24:30 PMPvP statistics: Thorn: 65% Handcannons: 12% Pulse rifles: 8% Shotguns: 6% Sniper rifles: 4% Scout rifle: 2.5% Fusion rifle: 2.49% Auto rifle: .01%
It was as posted somewhere that 50% of crucible players are using thorn... More like 85% if u ask me
It will look like this: Handcannon Handcannon Handcannon Handcannon Handcannon ...
I wonder if bungie alters the game to fit their play style ?
Bump because this is actually a useful idea
Still waiting for updated weapon usage statistics Bump.
can't wait to see the shotgun statistics. This honestly is a problem. I feel bad every time I try to convince my friend that auto rifles are complete garbage. But this man just won't give up. Deej please. Do it for my friend. Do it so he can be able to use his auto rifles without being called a scrub ;-; shout out to my boy Jamar. #DeejNuts
Stats are not needed, hand cannons would be #1, nerf them or buff auto rifles and scout rifles.
PvP: 75% Hand Cannons/20% Pulse Rifles/4% Scout Rifles/1% Auto Rifles. PvE: Hand Cannons.
I haven't used a AR since they nerfed them!
Hey Deej, we know you're lurking around. Why don't you post up those updated stats.